[ I have no idea of the Korean money so I didn't include Korean money ]
,, jongin.. " my mum softly called knocking on the door frame gently .something she always did. As if she was afraid of me or something. She always seemed like that .
I ignored her and turned in my bed . Facing the other way .
,, breakfast is ready .. "
,, I don't care "She sighed disappointed.
What did she expect when she tells me that . Never did I eat with her and she knew that . She just came up here to sigh disappointingly at me to let me know what a screw up I am over and over again..The door closed and I could still hear her steps down the stairs through the thin walls .
My eyes drifted to the clock
7:30School starts in half an hour ..
I should get ready . Not for school tho . I'm going to drop some money off and just skip the first lesson .chat said dieg needs the money for his father now .Brushing my teeth and just running my hand through my hair a few times I got dressed and grabbed my bag. Skipping a few steps on my way back downstairs as I checked my cigarettes,
what would I do without them .
They will make me wake .mum glanced at me once I Pass the table and I did aswell not spending a word tho when I slipped on my shoes and leather jacket.
Opening the door as if she wasn't there I closed it behind me again turning the volume of my headphones to the highest.----
,, finally look who's here " dieg spoke stomping towards me as I got to the meeting place under the bridge .
He frowned looking at me when he grabbed my bag and ripped it off me .
,, where's the money ?",, here wait "I tried to stop him from searching to show him but he was faster then me throwing the bag back to the dirty ground once he got a gripp of the money .
I groaned picking it up and trying to dust it off while he counted the money with chat besides him and sye sitting a little further away sipping from his beet bottle .
,, this is only 100 bugs " he spat turning to me again and I raised both my eyebrows .
He seemed angerd by that when he charged forward and grabbed me by my collar harshly .
I dropped the bag grabbing his fists to steady myself as I glared at him .
,, this is not enough!",, well I don't have more ok so fuck off !" He punched me at that and I stumbled back .holding myself right in time before I could land on the ground .
,,Hey hey there Diego " chat laughed holding him back .
,, mocoso doesn't have more obviously ok .. I'm sure he will get you the money so calm down "I whipped under my nose seeing spots of blood marking my hand now .before I glared back up at him .
Just as chat walked closer to me .fixing my jacket provocatly .. i sniffed
,, chat I can't get more money you know my mum locks it away I don't even know where- "
,, slow down .. you sound like a gad damn pussy right now " he chuckled and my frown faded now .
,, sounds like your scared .. " he looked disappointed at me and I swallowed looking behind him at dieg taking a sip from his own bottle while cursing me with sye and a few other guys that had arrived now .who seemed amused by this situation .

Intoxic Dose (Kaisoo)
Fanfiction*?completed?* (( There's a sequel following but it doesnt end in tension )) Merely a punk . That's all I was, an idiot telling myself, convincing myself that the world is only a dark broken place. The only friends I had were my cigarettes, the dr...