Chapter 45 : Forget it

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The drive was surprisendly quiet , he had seemed tired after he returned out of the bathroom anyway and when we started driving he already seemed to be dozing off .

I kept my eyes on the rode. It wasn't long anymore we were almost there and it was already getting darker .
As the sun set and the first few stars had shown on the not even yet dark sky .

It made me remember the time when we watched the stars .. I somehow missed it I wanted to do that again but ofcorse I knew I could never bring myself to ask him .

,, someone's focusing hard on the street " I heard his sleepy whisper and turned my head for a moment to see him turning towards me aswell shifting in his seat to lean his shoulder sideways into it as he faced me .
,, a car is so uncomfortable "

I rolled my eyes at that looking back onto the street
,, I'm sorry I don't have a high technologie car where you can only press a bottom to lay down "
He giggled at that lowering his hands from his own cheek to reach out for mine .

Gently he lifted one of my hands off the steering wheel linking it in his own and pulling it closer to him
,, way more comfortable ..
Who needs technologie when you can have a boyfriend " i blushed a little when he said that with a sigh closing his eyes .

,, what if I make an accident now ?"
I teasingly announced and he cracked his eyes open again so I quickly peaked back onto the road even tho it was only straight for a while now so I didn't have to pay that much attention to it .

,, you won't, you always only drive with one hand on the wheel " ofcorse he would pay attention to simply and useless things like that .
,, just leave it peanut , we are a couple and couples hold hands"

,, I thought you didn't care about couples stuff "

He sighed again towering my hand in both of his as he snuggled into the seat .,, I don't.. I just want to hold your hand "

I chuckled at that, God knows he's cute and I'm beyond trying to make myself deny or ignore it .
Even if I didn't feel for him like I do I would still find him adorable. I would just act like i dont care.

,, why did you hesitate when alay offerd to help you with the Job by the grocery store?" I asked him after it had been quiet for a little longer .

,, i-its ... " he hesitated and I peaked over to him again to see him bite his lip carefully ,, it's not a grocery store .. it's a pub .."

Oh great why couldn't he just get a decent job ? Why does he always get to these jobs .
,, what kind of pub ?"

,, what do you mean ? It's just a pub" he answers awkwardly but I knew there was more to it since he suddenly held my hand tighter .

,, if it were a normal pub alay wouldn't have been quiet about it "
I simply defended and he released a heavy sigh starting to play with my hand with a pout .

,, it's more of a club .. "
His voice was quieter compared to his usual cheery one .

,, a club ? She wants you to work in a club ? I thought she sees you as innocent squishy or some shit " he whined angrily as I repeated his nickname and it made me smirk for a little I just loved offending him since it wasnt easy at times.

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