Chapter 31 : Don't leave me

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,, you ok ?" Alay appeard at my side again. I sighed shrugging my shoulder
Usually I would murder her and everyone else only to end up blaming them for it . Blaming someone else for it .but I didn't feel like that now .
It's my fault.

I pulled my phone out looking at my contacts .
37 missed calls from her .
I always clicked her away not knowing that she had needed me.
It was something normal to me to just ignore her and act like she didn't existed simply because I didn't want to be reminded of what I've done to her .
,, sorry about youre mum .. "

,, just leave it " I continued to walk opening the appointment book again .
After I turned the volume of my phone up . I won't click anyone away anymore . Well except for alay of corse

,, at least You're mum still wants contact with you .. i'm pretty much dead to my family " she laughed emptily and I slowed down a little .

,, why ?" I don't care ..Why would you ask ,, because you're annoying ?"

,, because I'm bi and a cutter " I stoped now and she looked at me as if what she just said was nothing .
,, what ?"

,, do you tell that to every random guy ?" has she forgotten that I hate her ? We aren't even friends yet she tells me something like this .

,, well I don't if they ask me why i'm not hiding my past , I don't care and besides that you and princess were the same anyway" my eyes widened as she said that .

,, w-what do you mean ? ..

kyungsoo wasn't a cutter he's not he would never !" How dare she say something like that about him .
And how did she know that used to do this too .. I only did it a few times and I didn't even have any big visible scars they were almost completely gone .

,, ofcorse he did . There's a big scar right on his wrist under that tattoo .. what did it say I couldn't read it that Well" she thought for a moment to herself but I just continued getting more shocked by the second that past as I frowned to myself .

,, sunshine .." I answered her question before glancing to the ground .. how did I not notice .. how did she notice and not me .. or maybe she's wrong and just blind .like when she ran into me like an idiot.

No kyungsoo wouldn't cut himself .he wouldn't I just don't want to believe that ,, is that his ?" She suddenly moved foreward glancing into the book .

I ripped it away glaring at her
,, that's none of your business "

She groaned again mixed with a whine as I started walking again but she just had to follow like the annoying little bird she was .
,, so you stole it ?" She smirked but I only rolled my eyes .

,, what if I tell him later?"
Again I stopped and she slmost tripped over her own little feet.

,, can you stop , stopping out of nowhere like geez " she grumbled setting her hair right but I didn't care and blended her coment out .

,, You're going to meet him ?"
Her eyebrows rose at my coment finding interessed in my eyes .
,, jealous ?"

,, no," I frowned feeling stupid as I tried too hard to make her believe that I was not .. but I wasn't that's ridiculous ,, just tell me when " I rolled my eyes at her .

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