Chapter 23 : Colours of my world

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We both ended up leaving the hospital on the same day his bag was already readied so he waited a little for me to ready mine aswell when he pulled his bag which had wheels underneath or it ,behind him while i could easily carry mine on my back .

I was kinda hoping his mum was going to pick us up but he ended up headong towards the bus station ..
i hate driving with the bus.

He kept talking and talking about how excited he was to have me over at his place . It was actually bringing a smile onto my face seeing him react to it like a child would to getting ice cream .

But then once we sat down at the bus station . It just had to start raining . Heavy at that .I hate rain and even tho we were under a roof i still found myself pulling my hoodie up
,, what's wrong peanut ? Can't take a little water " a few water drops hit me and I groaned raising my head to see him giggling while standing IN the fucking rain .

,, what are you doing there's enough space here you're going to get wet " I grumbled when people where already watching us .

He just laughed once more throwing his head back as he faced the sky letting the water pour onto him as if he was showering .
,, I love the rain "

Why would anyone love the rain ? In movies its literly a sign for sad things . It's cold wet and annoying .
Fuck the rain .

I frowned when he started turning in the rain people looking and talking about him .some of them chuckling when they joked about him being drunk .as he spun as if he was in his own world enjoying his silliness .

I shock my head smiling to myself before looking out again as he formed his hands to cups to collect the water before starting to turn the best he could with his foot . What an idiot . His hands stretched out as he kept spinning even when people started laughing about him .

I didn't like that people laughed at him but I found a liking to him not giving a fuck about anyone and just doing as he pleases .

God his spinning is going to make him fall

Just as I thought of it he almost tripped and I acted before thinking jumping to my feet and reaching foreward as I steadied him in the rain .my hoodie fell and the rain as dropping onto me now. Soaking me in water .,, you idiot " I was about to pull the both of us under the roof when he stopped me pulling me stronger to himself .

,, we're already wet let's use this opportunity, ever danced in the rain ?" She smiled brushing my hair out of my eyes .

I swollowed looking down onto him when he took my hand spinning himself under it before bursting out in laughter again . Well I used to dance.

he moved my hands onto his waist moving us without even asking me for permission he also didnt have any experience as he focused to hard to simehow find a steady movement with me .. he didn't need it tho when I soon took over. I was leading now and he was enjoying it when I was turning him around and picking him up by his waist before taking steps he could never cope . I guess he gave up when his feet stepped onto mine and he held himself laughing with his arms around my neck .

I don't know what was happening to me when i joined his laughter as we continued until we couldn't anymore .people were coming over looking at us like we were crazy .buses where coming and going .

We danced until the rain had actually lessened . I couldn't realize or believe what was happening all I knew was that I haven't laughed this much since forever. All that was in my head was him . This moment.

He collapsed onto the bench holding his stomach while panting for air and I chuckled at him .
,, what's wrong with you ?"

,, i'm shorter than the average ,I hate peanuts , I'm weird , I hate pink or any too bright colours but I love food .

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