Chapter 16 : Beautiful Flowers

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,, jongin ?"
I turned around as I sat on the bench . Removing one of my headphone earplugs to see who it was that called me .

Behind the bench he was approaching with his crotches. A smile on his face like the usual, yet it still always reminded me of the contrast it had to the expression he wore when I last saw him before the beating and when he laid on the stretcher. Pale .. empty.

It's been a few days now .. And it was literly like everything hasn't happened at all. A part of me wants him to remember me because he clearly felt something for me but the other part didn't want to make him feel hurt again for what I did ..

My mum has been trying to visit me aswell but I always found an excuse to not see her . I didn't feel like it anymore not after I broke down like that . I just couldn't face her not now .
,, you're not suppose to move around a lot remember ?"

,, is grumpy peanut worried?" He stuck out his bottom lip making a puppy face and I rolled my eyes taking another smoke .
,, God I hate when you do That " he groaned flopping down onto the space besides me .

,, God I don't care "

,, but i do .. you know you can get cancer from smoking " he crossed his arms and I couldn't help but chuckle .
,, why do you care ?"

,, because... duh we're friends ?"

,, we're not, I told you we never were you paid me for this project "
I tapped the ciggarette removing the used ash to land on the ground .
What is he even thinking . Annoying me all over again like he did even before . I remember when he jumped onto me and backhugged me..
stupid freak ..

Suddenly he leaned forward releasing a small cry. I dropped the cigarrette turning to him ,, what ?"

He didn't answer and released little pressed coughs making me frown harder ,, what ? Is it hurting ? What ??" 

I waited a little longer looking around not knowing what to do, what was the matter now ? The stitches ? His illness ? He's sick . God I told him to not walk around too much so fucking many times ! That stupid idiot .

I stood up crouching in front of him with my hands on his knees
,, kyungsoo " I called him again .
when suddenly a small laugh appeared.

His laughing appeard .
He leaned back again giggling and laughing while Holding his stomach.

I turned blank .
I fucking dropped my cigarette !
,, NO no the great smelly poupy grumpy tall peanut really doesn't care " he spoke just before ending up laughing again .

,, I don't ok just don't want to be the one being blamed for your death !"

He gave me that really look and I inhaled anggressivly causing him to giggle to himself again throwing his head back as he lightly slapped my shoulder letting his hand rest there .
,, come on jongin, I may not remember but i can still listen and learn again .
the nurses told me you carried me to the hospital despite your own state and you looked scared and upset .."

,, she probably mixed it up with someone else " i hot back to my place to sit crossing my arms when I mumbled curses to myself while  looking away from him.

,, sure she did " he grinned .

It was quiet again only the loud music from one of my headphones filled it in for me but he was just sitting there fiddling with his fingers while smiling at the patients that walked past us. And some birds he seemed to be finding funny .

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