severel days have past
i havent seen the boy ever since that day .he didnt text me neither show up to annoy me .not that i was looking for him or anything but he wasnt in the park either .
there wasnt even much time left to finish this stupid project that seemed so important to him .and where was he ?
not here .i dont care anyway right . Why do i even waste my time thinking of this bullshit .
its just that stupid picture . his background i cant get it out of my head the more i thought of it the more i dont think he only seemed familiar because his smile was similar to the pricks one .
i know him from somewhere else but i dont know where .and then whenever i think of the picture i think of the tattoo on the pricks wrist ..
as much as i hate it . i had to admit it fit to him.
i thought it was just another boring and useless little part of my life .
the part where i met an annoying little freak and had to wait at least 2 weeks to forget him .but it wasnt like this was different .
,, late ! " she stomped growling to herself but I just rolled my eyes walkng further into the classroom and dropping myself onto my seat .
She bit onto both of her lips glaring hard at me but I as the usual didn't even care I just briefly blinked at her until she sighed an decided to continue anyway .
A victorious smirk would have usually appeard on my face but I didn't feel like it lately ..
If the boy was dead people would be talking about it right ? .,,blah blah blabla blah blah " I chuckled watching the teacher move around now and then pointing her little stick to the board before taking it into both of her hands .
She continued talking and I turned my head to the window the guy besides the window 1 row before me seemed like he was sleeping aswell with his face to the window as he leaned fully onto his table . The only thing missing was the snoring .
He also wore a cap and I wondered how .. when they told me a thousand times that it was not allowed ..
Guess he was that invisible type just like the prick was the annoying typeThinking of it . I squinted, he did kind of look like the prick ..
But no that can't be him .. right ..Wait .
No .. I haven't seen him since a few days now and i dont Remember him being in this Class With me
I would say oh well but I knew he couldnt have been in the same class because if he would've been then he would've annoyed me until death .
He must have switched or something .I was about to ripp a piece of paper off when I realized I don't have a paper .. sucks to not be a nerd now does it .
Before I could even kick the shit sitting in front of me. His head had already turned the other way . He was glancing at the door . And even tho his cap hid most of his face . I could clearly spot the dark circles under his eyes . Maby he realy was dying or something. Why didn't he tell me tho he could've at least talked to me and told me he canceld the project .if he did than I wouldn't even be bothered about it like I am now .stupid little shit .
The bell rang and he practically jumped out of his seat .
I quieckly stood up aswell wanting to follow him I pushed past all the other people looking over their heads only to see the top of his cap disappearing through the door .

Intoxic Dose (Kaisoo)
Fanfiction*?completed?* (( There's a sequel following but it doesnt end in tension )) Merely a punk . That's all I was, an idiot telling myself, convincing myself that the world is only a dark broken place. The only friends I had were my cigarettes, the dr...