Chapter 36 : Relapse

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It is I who had rerurned, .. bitch
Since its been ... Idk how many days I'll refresh you're memories a little

Previously :

Basically KSs mum appeard again and was a mad bitch. Then she talked to JG about what actually happened to KSs brother and that he used to beat KS ( which KS couldn't remember) and that he's dead, then she ran away with the money of KS which he needed for a surgery to cure his seizures.


Sucks I know 👏😘 I will delete this .. "recap" as soon as I updated the next chapter probably let me know
if i should do the previously
more often because usually I always forget what happened last time and need to read through it again when a book updates late ..

Now the chapter finally :


Small puffs of air escaped his slightly agape lips as I had placed him back down onto the bed, pulling the covers over his shoulder as i glanced over his face softly .

I don't ever recall seeing him sleep this deeply and peacefully, usually he would always frown at least a little and I've noticed that his fingers usualy twitched slightly now and then when he's dreaming as if he would react in any moment . I would say it's cute if it weren't for the nightmares that caused all these signs .
The nightmares I still couldn't understand or point to .. now at least I knew what his brother had done to him but he doesn't.  Him hoping for all these stuff that can never happen was honestly sad .

He didn't deserve that bitch as a mother or that retard as a brother not to mention his homophobic asshole of a father. It made me wonder how he could be this person that he is now when his whole family raised him wrong ..

Maybe he's now sleeping so peacefully because he doesn't worry about getting up for " work " he still didn't tell me what his work was exactly or why he was meeting that guy he didn't even know .
He only said he was scary ..

Maybe he was doing deals ? I hope he wasn't like me hiding drugs and keeping secrets or delivering messages . It realy looked like it but I hate thinking about it .. it scared me .

Being lost in thoughts I eventually turned around to lean against the mattress as I stared foreward out of the poorly fixed window.

Gotta admit from this angle I could see the stars and the bright moon perfectly.

It's still beautiful even tho now I couldn't see them that clearly because of the street lights .
Did he look out at the stars like that aswell ?


A coughing made me flinch awake and I blinked a few times through my frown as an awful smell reached my nose and I scrunched my face up feeling sick by it .

Little did I suspect it before I had actually turned to see it for myself.
I spotted his heavily breathing Form arm on the mattress, a frown on his forehead and i jumped Away when i Spotted The puke besides him .

His eyes widened slightly as they landed on me and he got up in panic it was almost pitiful seeing him drenched in sweat, red eyes and soaked with puke.
,, I'm s-sorry "  he whimperd stumbling to the side to grab some towels.

It made me feel angered to watch him act like he had just done something wrong and act this guilty .
He whimpers quietly once more swaying a little unsteady with his movements and I got to my feet steadying him when he slumped against me.

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