Chapter 26 : Thank you

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You thought I was dead didn't you
Well HAH you ain't that lucky 😂

Uh but you used to say daily updates and shhhhhttdfdkc I've been busy with being eating sleeping , dreaming and watching Shane and pewdiepie 😌 and I'm starting to have problems with the story and why am i even writing this no one cares lol

but anyway there ya go 😂💖

Well then ..

A few days have past actually and no I didn't ask him about dray and his scars . I felt stupid to push him and maybe I was a little scared that I would go too far with my questioning .

On top of that I didn't want to ruin his mood either, maybe dray was someone important to him he'd lost . Like his brother. I just assumed dray was his brother since that's the only close person I know to him other
than his mother .

And yes we went to school . Still boring but one thing changed .

The first day and the second where we returned was just weird . He took a hold of my hand whenever he could using the excuse that his leg hurt and he couldn't walk that well still .

I didn't mind tho and after the first week it became normal to us . Holding hands and being together in the breaks. Me listening to him whine about how hard all the classes were and even helping him work on some projects on his laptop .

Being .. this close to him .

In school after school at his home going to sleep together buying food together . And not getting bored of him for even a second .

It felt great .

But as amazing and great as it felt to me .. there were still some things that couldn't be explained without asking him .

I would often find him scribbling around on his calender.  He would sometimes leave at nights and return either late or only to school .
On some days he wasn't even at school and he misses a lot of classes too because he has to leave earlier or come later .

He said it's because of his job and the appointments for his medicine, which i had studied too . I looked over the medicines and learned when he had to take which ones . It were basically a  hand full of differently coloured pills . He had to take in the morning,  evening and night .

Still .. those pills didn't stop him from not seizuring ever .
It rarely happens . But it still does and leaves him broken behind . Whenever he seizures he would return in tears. Trembling and crying as if he had just escaped a murderer.

That didn't stop people from thinking that its funny. apparently people had found out about him having seizures but not knowing what it actually is.
I had just wittnessed them getting at him for it . And it made me frown as I watched them laughing and snickering when he worked on his locker getting the books he needed .

Usually I would be in religion class now but our teacher was stupid enough to drive into a pole after seeing a bird on his window .

,, ..- talking to you !" Is all I heard when they got louder and pushed him into the locker .I don't know how many they were .hell, I don't even know since when they've been getting at him for it. I just saw that they were tall and ugly that's all I cares about at the moment

I snapped taking stomps towards the scene .one of the guys head turned to me and he looked  confused at me but before he could even open his mouth I had now roughly pushed that son of a bitch away .

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