i cant believe the whole drive to the address had made me nervous.
i hadnt thought of it . i had flrgotten that dieg,chat and sye wanted more money. Another 100 each day. theres noway he will do that right ?
he paid me 900 for a week which was kjnd of crazy but he wouldn't do that again .. right?
A sigh left my lips as I turned the radio up .I have nothing to be worried of nervous about. I don't care about him and if he says no then that ain't my problem. I'm not scared of him.
My hands reached out to the passenger seat going through the pocket to pull the cigarette package out .keeping my eyes on the road .
I opening the tip to reveal all 20 cigarettes complete .. I blinked disbelieved.. I had bought them yesterday.
,, look at you not holding a cigarette for longer than 10 minutes"
That's bullshit .. I just forgot it's a coincident .Angrily I pulled one of the cigarettes out throwing I few into the cockpit before throwing the now half empty package back to my jacket making it appear even for myself as if I had used half of it .
I sighed again blowing the smoke out of the open window when I saw the little prick standing on the Broadway keeping his eyes out probably for me .
My car halted before him and he smiled opening my passenger door and getting in. Snatching my jacket and the cigarette package away to not sit on them while I stared at him in annoyance yet confusion ,, what do you think you're doing ?"
,, sitting with you in a car " he sighed rubbing his arms. He was quite packed in with a jacked a scarf and gloves the only thing missing would be a pink fluffy hut .. what a pussy .
,, that's not what I meant .. where do you live so we can get this over with again .." I decided to ask him later about the money .. something inside of me just didn't feel like telling him now ok don't judge .
,, about that " he clears his throat looking down ,, my mum isn't feeling so good , so maby we could just go somewhere else ?"
,,like where ?" I groaned starting the car again ,he wanted to say something again but I cut him off before he could ,, not at my home ''
He poured sinking in his seat a little as he glanced out of the window probably thinking of a place to go .
While I still had the cigarettes in my mind and grabbed for another one lighting it while still in the car .as I looked out driving just straight because I didn't know where else .maby we would see something on the way ..
I glanced slightly to the side when I caught him nodding off slowly... but why was he tired when he hasn't been in school today.
Still I didn't know how to handle this situation really. I stayed cold, acted as if nothing was going on. As if I wasn't aware of him sleeping besides me .So it was that I ended up wasting my gas because I didn't want to react . I just drove around looking at people while smoking cigarette after cigarette.
,, drey .. " he suddenly mumbled scaring the shit out of me as I turned my head to him and he was stirring slightly .nightmare ? Should I wake him ? .
No wtf I don't care about him , he could cry because of a bad dream and I still wouldn't care .I wouldn't even have time to wake him if I wanted to because right in that moment he jolted forward as if being ready to reach out for something .
I glanced to him one eyebrow up . He swolled turning to me aswell as he leaned back blinking repeatendly when he now held his forehead .
,, you ok ?" I couldn't stop myself but ask .

Intoxic Dose (Kaisoo)
Fanfiction*?completed?* (( There's a sequel following but it doesnt end in tension )) Merely a punk . That's all I was, an idiot telling myself, convincing myself that the world is only a dark broken place. The only friends I had were my cigarettes, the dr...