,, 20 .. 40 ... 90 ... and 100" he handed me the money into my hands .his eyes narrowing once his little bakery plastic bag was empty and he stuck it back into his bag .
,, why don't you have a real little bag for your money? By the way " I asked him once her stuck his hands through the band of his backpack again .
He shrugg his shoulders putting a smile back onto his face.,, waste of money buying a fancy looking little bag wouldnt it ?"
,, so you rather let it get dirty by the left bread pieces in a plastic bag ?" I rose an eyebrow as he started walking and I followed besides him .
,, why do you always see things so negative? " he looked over to me
,, it's like you want to have a bad life "Frowning at him I stopped him again
,, who said I have a bad life ",, your eyes.. the cursing ..expression-"
,, shut the fuck up you know nothing "
He sighed at that looking up,, he cursed again I should make a 25 cent jar where-"
,, I should do that too every time you are annoying " he only giggled at that, something he always did when I called him names or insulted him .,, being annoying is better than being negative
,, no it's not-"
,,AHA !so you admit your negative !" He pointed at me with big eyes as if he busted me . And I questioned myself all over, what on earth was wrong with him .,, just shut up please " I sighed .
,, why'd you follow me when you don't want to hear my voice ?" He smirked at me raising both eyebrows and I can't believe I swallowed at that because he looked funny in a way and I didn't know myself why I just followed him .,, maby because we were talking "
,, and you are so polite to not walk off while being in a conversation?" He still smirked moving his hands to rest on his hips and I honestly didn't find anything to comeback with .. he left me speechless for the first time in .. for the first time someone left me speechless like that .it made me feel nervous and uncomfortable .
,, admit it, peanut you like me .." he smiled happily ,, we laughed a lot over this week i know you do .. told you we would be friends ",, we're not and you never said that ..you called me smelly and a stupid peanut " I backed away when he wanted to hug me .
,, in a friendship you always need to be honest with your friend .. and come on you smell like pee and smoke so " he went in to hug me again but I held him back with ease a hand on his head as he still reached out to me
,, cooome on ! Don't be such a depressed little peanut !",, depressed ? Little ? Have you looked at yourself ?" Now he stopped trying to hug me and It was my turn to smirk when he folded his arms tapping his toes to the ground with a serious expression .
He did this for a while just glaring at me .I sighed rolling my eyes
,, I know .. not small or little just shorter then the average " a smile appears on his face as I said that and he unfolded his arms .,, good peanut and now give me a hug " he spread his arms out but I refused sighing once more when I decided to just end it right there as I decided to walk past him with a chuckle as victory .
I heard his groan in the back and it made me crack a quiet laugh which got cut off when I suddenly felt weight on my back , his feet wrapping around my torso and his arms flying over my shoulder before he gave me a back hug while hanging on me .
,, I would love to be your friend jongin " he spoke before jumping off of me again while I still stood there frozen because of a to be UNKNOWN reason ,, see ya !" I heard his step out of the noises from all the other students as he walked away .

Intoxic Dose (Kaisoo)
Fanfiction*?completed?* (( There's a sequel following but it doesnt end in tension )) Merely a punk . That's all I was, an idiot telling myself, convincing myself that the world is only a dark broken place. The only friends I had were my cigarettes, the dr...