Chapter 1: A new home.

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"¿Estás seguro de esto?"

"Sí, soy yo. "

"pero ¿qué pasa con los niños?"

"Look I know they won't like this, but this is a great opportunity we have to take it. We can live there in a bigger house, they will go to a better school. I think we would even do them a favour."

"I know this is a big chance for us Rafael, I just don't want the kids hating us."

"How could they hate you mi amor."

A little boy looks at his older brother from their hiding place and says as quietly as posible.
"Hermano what are they talking about?"

"I don't know Dylan.." His brother says.

"I thought you said that you always know everything Lance." Dylan says as a sarcastic joke.

"I didn't say that. I said I know everything best." Lance replies.

"I'm four years younger then you and I'm still smarter."

"Well explain to me then why I am graduating high school this year, and you are only going to be a freshman." Lance says.

"I literally just said I'm four years. younger then you." Dylan replies.


The whole Mcclain family was the next day together in the room. 11 people in the not all the big room, and in the not all the big house in Cuba.

"We have to tell you all something." Rafael Mcclain the father of six children says to his kids.

"What is it papi." The oldest daughter Veronica says.

"This won't affect you and Marco that much." Their Mother Helen Mcclain says.

Veronica and Marco are already married and have children of their own. They live not that far away from their family. Veronica and Marco came here because their parents had something important to say.

"Why won't this affect us Mami?" Marco asks.

"Because you two already moved out and have your own families. But for the rest it will be more affective." Their mother replies.

Lance holds his two year old sister Mia while his 6 year old brother Luis plays with his toy cars on the floor.
He looks at his mother and father, and then he knows what they are trying to tell them.

"We are going to move.. aren't we?" He asks.

"Yes Lance we are.. and not just a to a different city." His father replies.

"Your father got a really good job in America.. so we decided to move to America." His mother explains.

"What!? no puede significar que!" Dylan shouts angry.

"But then we won't be able to see you anymore!!" Veronica says a bit loud.

"What about our friends here!" Lance says disappointed he can't see them so much anymore.

"And the rest of our family. Abuela and our tíos y tías!" Dylan shouts. "We can't just leave our life here and leave everyone behind."

"I'm sorry. We are going. This job is the greatest opportunity for the whole family, and you will all have great opportunities in America as well." Rafael Mcclain says to his children and their partners.

Dylan stands up and storms off towards his room. His mother wants to go after him, but her husbands grabs her arms and says.
"He just needs some time."

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