Chapter 8: Curious.

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"Finally Friday!" Dylan lifts up his arms in the air as he and Lance walk towards the school entrance.

Lance looks at his brother.
"It is literally only been one week of school."

"Yeah so? I'm already tired."

"You are a freshman. How can you he tired?" Lance really thinks his brother can't be saying these things. He would love to be a freshman again, it's so much easier then being a senior.

"I know I know. The thing is that I'm now tired, and in a couple years im dead inside." Lance can only agree with him now.

Lance looks around him. He looks at the cars that are parked. Would Keith be at school already? If he's going to make an effort in making him his friend, then he will need to hang out with him more. He doesn't think it will be smart for Pidge and Hunk to know already. Maybe it will freak them out. If he gets Keith to agree with meeting them he could just drag him towards his other two friends. Maybe then they could all be friends. He's sure it will work.

"Hey Lance.." Dylan punches Lance's arm to get his attention.


"Look over there. It's that Keith guy. He's literally so weird. Just look at him, it's like he doesn't even care about anybody in the world except for himself. Have you seen his car. Bet he got the money because he stole something." This makes Lance defensive. Dylan is talking about his friend here. And hasn't mama thaught him that he shouldn't talk about people like this. He doesn't even know Keith how dare he say something bad about him.

"Don't talk about him like that! You can't just assume things about others." Lance says a bit strict.

"Ah come on it's the truth and you know it. I would never trust a guy like that. Before you know it you are dead in a gutter or something."

"Dylan I'm serious. Don't talk about somebody like that." Lance is looking pretty angry now. He knows that Keith is the subject of gossip all the time. But he doesn't want the people close to him talk about him too.

"And you are seriously not mama." Dylan replies.

He saw that vulnerable face yesterday when he and Keith talked about.. well other people talking about him. It is just stupid how these people are not letting him change. People change and so can Keith. He must hate it so much to hear over and over again how bad he is. And Lance is sure that nobody knows he doesn't have parents. Maybe that has something to do with him closing himself off and being mean to others. If that is the reason no way Keith is going to stop him from hugging him. It will have to be a sneak attack though. Keith can throw him on the ground with those muscles of him in a matter of seconds.

Dylan is walking away now. He didn't even say sorry. Someday Keith wil be in his house playing videogames with Lance. And then Dylan has to say sorry.

Lance wants to go to Keith now. But Keith is already gone. That guy should consider Ninja as his job. He would be great at it. Lance does see Pidge standing with another girl. And why not say hi. I mean like pretty girls are always acceptable.

"Hey Pidge." Lance says as he walks towards the two girls.

"Ow hey Lance. Good to see ya." Pidge waves at Lance. "Ow Lance this is Shay. The you know.. and well with ..."

"Ow..! Yeah hey I've heard of you from Pidge and Hunk. Nice to meet you my name is Lance." So not available. Hunk has a crush on her and well then she is off the table. Not going to flirt with my bro's girl. Shay looks a bit confused but greets him anyway. And she turns out to be really nice. Lance can see Hunk and her dating. Maybe Pidge and him should.. 'arrange' something.

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