Chapter 30: Luxurious events... Keith loves them.

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"Okay this is how we're going to do it." Lance looks at his team in front of him. He picks up the gun and shows it around. "To have a good aim you need to hold it like I do."

He turns his head towards Keith.
"Don't shoot without thinking."

Keith looks at him a bit offended but has no time to say something back as Lance continues with his instructions.
"From now on we use the codenames I thought off."

He points towards Pidge.
"Pidge is Gremlin." She just smirks knowing it is true.

"Matt is Gremlin senior."

"Hunk is Second love of my life..."
Keith frowns and punches his boyfriend on the shoulder. "Hey! Keith I said second. You're my first baby."

"Fine! Just continue with the stupid code names!" Keith looks away.

"Alright! Alright! Mr Grumpy... That is his code name." Lance of course gets another punch.

"I'm not grumpy!"

"Fine Keith's code name is now... Eh.. Nice ass."


"No now I'm not changing it anymore!"
Everybody laughs at the couple arguing.

"Just change it back to Grumpy then..!"

"Fine Keith is Mr Grumpy again." Then Lance looks at Shiro. "Shiro is Sugar Dad."
Shiro looks a bit confused but the others understand him.

"Allura is Please don't fail me on that test next week."

"We shall see Lance." She answers in her British accent as she puts on her chest piece.

"And I am of course Sharpshooter. Now for the plan. Run in and hide before they can shoot at you. Have each other's backs! Don't let anybody walk alone. Okay we will almost begin does someone want to add something?"

"Oh oh!" Matt raises his hand. "Don't get shot."

"Matt you're a genius! No really didn't though of that!" And Lance is serious about that. "Now okay it's almost time to start. Lets go guys!"

They all rush off into the lazer game area.. they are a little bit too much into it.

Especially Lance.


"Lance I don't think Keith is going to make it." Hunk shouts. "He's surrounded by 5 kids!!"

Pidge shoots one of them down... Well only his light goes off for like 10 seconds, after that he will just be continuing playing. "Make that 4!"

"My love I'm coming!!" Lance jumps over the little hiding place he sat behind and runs towards the four kids still coming closer to Keith. "I will save you"

"Don't screw this up Lance!"
Keith shouts towards his boyfriend still hiding for a couple 13 year olds.

Lance stands still and aims for the kids. He takes a deep breath and takes out every single one of them. "Keith run!!"

And Keith runs like he has never done before, taking Lance with him as he runs past him by dragging him by the arm. The two of them get back to their friends, Lance totally exhausted from the running. He needs to sit down for a moment. "Kids are the best lazer tag players.. Believe me."

"It's because they are tiny. They can sneak up to you very easily." Keith says.

"That's why we have the birthday girl with us." Lance smirks at Pidge.

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