Chapter 23: You'll see.

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In about two weeks it will be Christmas. That day will be the first time in months Lance can see his whole family again. For months the whole family have been saving money for this trip. It isn't cheap to travel at Christmas, but they all did their best and have saved enough money for a trip.

Helen Mcclain first said it was idiotic of them to all fly over to America for Christmas. They could've just went back to Cuba for a couple days instead. But they all insisted. All of them wanted to see how their loved ones lived in America.

But Christmas will also be the day they meet Keith. Lance got to ask his mother soon if he can bring a 'friend' to the house at Christmas. He can't just announce a day before that he's bringing Keith, his mother would go crazy. She is already starting on the preparations! If Lance wouldn't say he's bringing Keith he's dead to her. She'll go like "Lance do you know how much stress you're giving me!!"

No.. he wants to avoid things like that. So he'll ask this evening.

His mother is never against guests. So it won't be a problem.

Lance falls down on his bed. He thinks about Christmas. How will they all react when he and Keith say they are together. He knows it'll probably be a shock.. but they'll be good. They love him just like he loves them. And they all have a close bond with each other.

He's a bit worried about what Dylan will think though. Dylan is clear about what he thinks of Keith... And it isn't liking him. He really hopes Dylan will understand and not be too mad. But If he can be honest.. he has no idea how Dylan will react.

His mother will probably be proud. And he hopes his father will go easy on the questioning of his boyfriend.

Lance feels his phone buzz in his pocket. He takes it out and looks who wants to talk to him... Well everybody would wanna talk to him of course.
But this time it's Keith.

     Keith- Kind of having a problem.

     Keith- Shiro wants to celebrate Christmas with Allura's family and I think he expects me to come as well.

     Keith- But I'll explain I'm going to be at your house don't worry.

Lance- Alright.. it would suck if our plans didn't work out :(

     Keith- Don't worry I'll talk to him. He doesn't know of our plan to tell your family at Christmas. He probably thinks they already know.

     Keith- Cause well.. he of course thinks I already spent time at your house.

Lance- Hey just say you're meeting my whole family and he'll be fine with you spending Christmas at my house.

Lance- And tommorow after school I wanna come over.

     Keith- Not even asking?

Lance- You're my boyfriend. I don't need to ask.

      Keith- and I'm not against it. Shiro will be at a party for his work tomorrow so we can have peace and quiet for once.

Lance- Hey you're lucky with only having Shiro around you. You have all the peace and quiet you want. I have to deal with a couple of screaming kids all day.

Lance- And a moody teenager. Let's not forget that.

    Keith- But you love them ;)

Lance- Yes I do.

     Keith- Hope they will like me..

Lance- Mia already likes you!

Lance- And the others will love you too.

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