Chapter 9: Give him a chance.

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"Hunk he's here!"

Lance is standing in the opening of the door looking at Pidge who seems excited about him being there. She probably only want to beat his ass in Mario kart, and probably not because she's happy about him hanging out with them. But he shall beat the Pidge, even if it will take the whole night and skipping school tomorrow. Okay he will probably not skip school. His mom and dad will get mad if he does.

"Welcome to my humble cave." Pidge smiles and steps aside for Lance to enter. Lance looks around him. He sees some family pictures, so he tries to look at them without looking like he's stalking. He thought he saw Pidge on the picture, but then he saw a girl with long hair next to the person he thought was Pidge. So it must be Pidge with long hair she never said something about a sister. She and her brother look a lot like each other then. But this is probably a old picture, maybe he looks different now,  

"Nobody is home tonight. Matt is with Shiro at the moment, and we are a bit jealous of that. He is probably going to brag about the caviar he has eaten. But most importantly he is going to hang out with Shiro."

"Or he is eating Shiro's self made meal at the moment. Then I'm happy I'm not there." Hunk says Laying on Pidge's couch. Pidge sits down on Hunk, but he doesn't seem to mind. 

"Is he a bad cook?" Lance asks sitting down as well. 

The only thing Pidge has to say about that is. "Horrible."

"I saw God and not in a good way the first time I ate his food." Hunk shivers thinking back about the memory. 

They talk for a bit more but that doesn't take long. Pidge and Lance want to have their competition as soon as possible. Hunk may have set his money on Pidge he won't tell Lance this. Pidge starts the game and gives everybody their controller. Hunk claims Yoshi and Lance isn't happy about that. He wanted Yoshi! So he just goes with Rosalina because she is the cutest of the princesses in his opinion, Like she is a space princess I mean bride material right there. He could have just chosen another colour of Yoshi, but he will never go that low only green Yoshi is the real Yoshi. Once everybody in his family wanted to be Yoshi and they almost fought for real. But then their mom said that we all had to be a different Yoshi, And he got the green one. He was so happy. Did he win... no, BUT he was the real Yoshi so the rest can just leave. Pidge is the last one who chooses her character, she chooses Luigi because she always plays that character. 

"You know Matt calls Luigi green Mario for fun." She says.

"Why?"Lance asks.

Pidge looks towards Lance.

"Because he always plays with Mario and wants to be better then me. I almost win everytime though. Are you afraid already Lance?" She smirks at the last part.

"No! Of course not." Lance is now focused. More focused then he is when he makes a test at school. And that is okay because this is Mario kart, more important then anything is beating people in this game. It is your pride, your legacy. 

The timer goes of. He can't make a mistake on the first seconds. If he starts too early with giving gas he will fail. But he can't be to late as well. He is sure Pidge will have that extra speed, so he needs to have it too. They get the sign and they all have the extra speed. He had hoped that Pidge would fail, but he now needs to do his best in being faster then her and getting the props. 

"No fuck of PEACH" Pidge shouts at the CPU that is throwing a red shell at her. 

"That's what you deserve." Lance says as quiet as possible so Pidge won't hear him. But it is Pidge of course she heard it.

"I heard that!!" She now throws a red shell too and it is meant for Lance. 

"No don't hurt me!"

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