Chapter 10: Please.

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"Did you play Zelda?"

"Yeah most of them."


"Almost all of them. I didn't play Pokemon go though. It is a good concept but they could've done a better job."

Pidge shrugs her shoulders.
"I actually liked it. But then everybody was playing it, even non fans. Then it lost it's magic. But more importantly.. did you play Wii Party the board game?"

"That's the best game on the Wii."

"Yes! You play the good stuff.!" Pidge has found another nerd. The best day of her life. She jumps up and holds her hand high for a high five. Keith just stares at her hand and gets nervous. What does he need to do with her hand. Is this normal? Doesn't look like something normal.
Pidge is commiting, she is going to keep her hand up till he high fives her.

Lance sees Keith struggling and whispers.
"You need to slap it back."

"But I don't want to hit her."

"It's okay just do it, it's only a high five."

"Okay." Keith replies as he slowly lifts up his hand and kind of slaps it against the smaller girls hand. If someone else saw this they would think it looked pathetic. But knowing Keith really didn't understand what she wanted. And looking at the cutest confused face there is. It was quite cute and funny.

"So do you like more then games?" Hunk asks as Pidge sits down again.

"Oh this is actually how Keith and I became friends. He loves the same book as me. Maybe you heard about it. It's of course the best book in the world. Voltron the legends defender, or just Voltron for short." Lance says.

"Voltron.. the Voltron?" Pidge is like almost crying right now. "What did I do to deserve geeks a my new friends. Thank you lord! I don't know what I did right, but apparently I did something."

"Wait you like Voltron too?" Lance looks at her. He doesn't believe it. He never found people in person who liked this stuff. Now he already has found two of them. He loves living in America now.

"Like it.. I love it!" Pidge shouts a little too hard. Good that there aren't many people outside.

"What's Voltron?"

Lance and Pidge turn their heads towards Hunk. They look at him with the face of disapproval. And Keith is just like, well okay he doesn't know it.

"Hunk.. how dare you be the only one in this group that didn't read it." Pidge pushes her glasses back on the right spot on her nose. Keith looks up when he heard her say group. Did she mean him included? That can't be, they probably don't really trust him yet. She just meant her Lance and Hunk not him.

"Who knew Hunk would disappoint us someday." Lance fakes that he whipes away a tear.

"I got the first book with me today." Keith says.

"Really? Let Hunk see!" Lance says really enthusiastic. Keith still doesn't get where he gets all the energy from. Maybe it's genetic? Keith reaches for his back pack and opens it. Before he can take the book out Pidge already grabs it.

"It is the most amazing." Pidge starts.

"Fantastic, best written book in the universe." Lance finishes what Pidge was going to say.

"And Ironically the story is about space." Pidge says as she shows Hunk the book. He looks at the cover for a moment. The picture on the cover is the Voltron robot with stars around it. Hunk turns the book around to read the backside. He seems impressed with what he is reading.

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