Chapter 34: Family history.

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"So Dylan... How are you."

Dylan sits down on the pretty big chair. "Pretty good Mrs Lake. There is a new boy at school since last week that I've been here. He is really nice and we already played some games online together."

"That sounds really nice of him. What's his name?"

"James." Dylan answers.

"Well what nice of James. It is good to hear you're making friends now Dylan."

Dylan smiles. "Well it has been a couple months now Mrs Lake.."

"Well what you have gone through isn't something to take lightly. Even though you're getting a bit better there is a chance of having to deal with this for the rest of your life." She explains. "But I know you're a strong person Dylan."

"I try to be.. well I try to be like Lance and Keith.. they are strong and I admire that." Dylan says truthfully.

Mrs Lake writes some more on her notebook. Then she looks up and asks. "So you warmed up to Keith now right? Are people still a avoiding you because of him?"

"Yes they are. But it doesn't matter. I know Keith is a cool guy. And he is like a brother to me actually. He really helped me with this situation because he has been through it as well, so he gave me some good advice." Dylan answers.

She nods. "Very well. You know what Dylan I'm glad to hear you are trying to make friends. It could've been that you didn't want to try anymore because of the fear of them being like Brodie and the others."

Actually Dylan does fear that will happen. But Keith told him that he will never be alone. There will always people who care about you, and if not you will get them. Keith also said something about that it is impossible not to like him if he keeps being his joking and charismatic self. "I just try my best.."

"And that's enough."


"Dylan how was therapy?"

"Good mom just like always." Dylan says as he enters the kitchen.

His mother walks towards him and hugs him. And of course she gives him a kiss on the forehead. "Good to hear. Do you want to talk about what you talked about?"

"I think I've done enough talking if you don't mind mama.." Dylan says with a smile.

"Of course carino. I understand fully."

Dylan gives her a quick kiss as well and then grabs something to eat before going upstairs. His daily life has become more and more normal. And he likes it... It's so much less stress. He can actually focus on school and on the ones that do care about him

As he walks up the stairs he hears Keith and Lance talk. Would he interrupt if he would knock on the door? He decides that it won't hurt, so he knocks.

Both Keith and Lance look up from the screen. They where just gaming so Dylan isn't interrupting them really. Actually they could use another player. Lance stands up and walks towards the door to open it. "Hey Dylan!"

Keith waves and asks. "You back from your session?"

"Yeah.. I am. She told me that I won't be needing therapy anymore soon if I keep improving the way I am." Dylan says excited while he enters the room.

Lance lays one of his arms on his little brother's shoulder. "That's good! We didn't think you would improve that fadt actually, nobody overcomes something this stressful this quickly. You are really strong Dylan and everybody is proud of you."

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