Chapter 11: The view is just amazing isn't it.

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Lance- Where are you guys?

     Pidge- Gone.

     Pidge- Out of existence.

Lance- Real funny.

     Keith- It is funny because she mocks you.

Lance- Hunk please be the kind one.

     Hunk- Well he does have a point.

Lance- *GASP* You two turned Hunk in a monster! I can not believe this. You demons.

     Pidge- Ahhh compliments this early in the morning.

     Keith- :)

Lance- :(

     Hunk- We are at the table outside.

Lance- Why? School is about to starts.

     Pidge- Because it's hot as fuck. Now get here.

Hunk- Language Pidge.

     Pidge- Because it's hot as my luck. Now get here.

Lance- I don't think that brother of her is a good influence.

     Pidge- Matt is a very good influence Thank you very much.

Lance laughs a bit. He has to say he kinda likes Matt, he's good to hang out with.

Lance walks towards the place his friends are at. Not that it matters anymore because the bell is going to ring any moment now. It has been a couple days since the whole situation with Keith. The last days he has been walking after Keith like a dog because of what happened. Not that Keith appreciated that very much. But no way that because of his ignorance this is going to happen again. Lance did order Keith to have is phone turned on and with him all the time. Hopefully he will listen so Lance doesn't need to worry anymore.

Pidge and Hunk are more comfortable around him now. They where worried as well when it all happened. Keith said he was sorry for making them worried. He had turned off his phone immediately after speaking to Lance to avoid him. Keith said that he thought Lance was angry and didn't want to talk to him, so he turned his phone off. Keith knew he made a stupid mistake.

Now everything is okay again. Keith is not really open or something with Hunk and Pidge. He still keeps his distance and he doesn't talk a lot. But we'll give it some time. Hunk and Keith talk sometimes now even when we aren't together as a group. And Pidge is always geeking out with him, really fun to see.

Lance has noticed people talking though, but only people from the senior year, other years didn't it notice yet. The seniors see them sitting together in class of course. Keith still has been keeping his distance at lunch. He only talked to them in the hallway when he was walking to who knows where and they where walking to the cafeteria.

Hopefully that will change soon. Who cares people know he has friends. Maybe more people will start talking to him when they see he isn't that bad. Maybe even the girls that now only swoon all over him from a distance.

Lance walks towards the table Hunk mentioned. He looks at his phone. There is only like 5 minutes left before school begins, but he already has his books so he isn't stressing out. He was again pretty late today, his brother needs to go to bed earlier. Dylan just didn't want to wake up. Next time he's just going to leave without him.

"Lance! You're finally here"
Lance sees Hunk and Pidge sitting at the table. He doesn't see Keith. Weird he thought Keith was with them.

"Hey Hunk, hey Pidge. Where is Keith?" Lance asks. But before the two can reply Lance hears somebody behind him say.

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