Chapter 20: Lamborghini fluff.

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"Thank you."

"For what?"

"For giving me a chance.. for us to try."

Lance and Keith finally let go of each other after holding the other for a while now. Keith never thought he would do this. He never thought he would try to be more with somebody. He just accepted that he was going to be alone... But Lance convinced him somehow. Does he really deserve this? Does Lance deserve this. No definitely not. He's going to be hated by many people even though he's amazing.



"I love you." Lance picks up Keith's hand and gives it one more kiss. Keith is a blushing mess now he realizes that they both said I love you. Why the hell did they say that already?! Does he mean it? Keith knows he meant it... But you're not supposed to say that so early right?!!

Lance laughs at the sight of Keith blushing and confused.. it's cute. Then Lance says to finish it off.
"Don't forget that okay."

"...o..okay" Keith English it really isn't that hard. Now speak it!  While Keith is mentally scolding himself over being so nervous, Lance is just looking at his lover. He isn't going to call him his boyfriend yet. He wants to ask him that in a romantic way. But he will do that soon! No way he's going to wait long before he can finally call Keith his boyfriend. His first and last boyfriend Lance hopes.

Keith plays a bit with the jacket he is wearing.. Wich Lance doesn't recognize weirdly enough. Maybe it's new?

"So.. what are we going to do now?" Keith asks.

"What do you mean?"

"Like what are we.. and when are we going... To tell people." The last part almost doesn't even come out of Keith's mouth. If he could choose he would just never tell anyone.

"I want to ask you to be my boyfriend another time.. let's just call it dating..? And I guess we'll tell people when you ready. It's going to be fine Keith. And Shiro will be proud of you no matter what."

Keith looks away. He really hopes this wasn't the biggest mistake he made in his life.

They stay quiet again for a moment. Just enjoying each other's company and nothing else. Then Lance asks.
"So.. why where you here?"

Well Fuck. He can't just tell about that guy of last night! "Well you see I.. may have been here since last night."

Lance is getting concerned.
"What! Why?"

"You know. I told you at Halloween and bad habits die hard." Keith answers waiting for Lance to get mad at him.

But the only reply he gets is.

"Aren't you mad?" Keith asks.

"Yes I am. But I can't blame you. I'm more mad at myself then you at the moment. Just don't do it from now on okay?" Lance  tightens his grip on Keith's hand.

Lance looks at Keith. He looks exhausted. He probably didn't get a goodnight sleep if he slept here on a bench.
Lance smiles. What a idiot. Keith's whole face is red from crying and he's still sniffing. Keith has a really ugly crying face... But it's so cute. It makes Lance want to hug him.

"Stop smiling.." Keith says a bit irritated.

"No can't do." Lance places his hand that isn't holding Keith's on Keith's cheek and he rubs it with his thumb. Keith likes it but will never admit it.
"You don't want to know how long I've been waiting for this."

"I know I've been for months.. but I wasn't waiting for us to be together. I was waiting for it to be over.. luckily it didn't."

"Months eh.. that's a long time. But it doesn't matter anymore. I can finally do this." Lance squeezes Keith's hand again.

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