Chapter 14: Confused.

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Maybe Shiro just won't hear him. If he opens the door really quiet but quick there is a possibility of not getting scolded. He needs to out smart the smart now but he has a chance.
It's around 1am now. Shiro isn't a night owl so he must have gone to bed. That would give Keith the chance to sneek in and go to his own room.

But there is still the possibility that Shiro is still waiting for him.

Keith opens the door trying to be as quiet as he can. Thank God the door doesn't make any cliché sounds.

Inside the house it's pitch black. No sign of life. Good.

Keith walks in really slow. Of course now his wounds have to burn again so everything is even harder then it already was. Keith tries not to hiss from the pain while he opens his bedroom door. Stupid cuts. Stupid pain.

Luckily you can't really see the cut on his head. But it still fucking hurts.

Keith is tired. He just wants to lie down in bed and think about everything what happened today. Well except the moment that those guys attacked him. Everything else was amazing though. Best birthday ever if Shiro doesn't catch him now and scolds him. Okay even if that happens it is still his number one birthday not going to lie. Every year it was just him and Shiro. And now more people where celebrating that he's actually alive. And that feels great. He feels more wanted then ever.

He's actually wanted..

"Keith Kogane turn around right now."

Well okay scrap that. He's more fucked than wanted now.

Keith turns around and puts up his best fake awkward smile.
"Heyy Shiro. Good seeing you here. How late is it? Shouldn't you be like you know asleep."

Shiro just looks at him.

"Okay I'll just say it for you.. Yes Keith I should. But even better shouldn't you?  Oh damn you right I better go!"
Keith turns around and wants to walk into his room.

"Keith.. why are you this late." Shiro says.

Keith turns around again for the third time. He looks a bit towards the side and says.
"Well you know. Stuff?"

"Keith." Shiro stops talking and he looks a bit closer. He looks at Keith's arms. His painful posture. And there is still a little bit of dried blood around Keith's eyebrows. He's immediately concerned instead of feeling the need to ground him.
"Keith is that blood? What happened are you alright?"

Shiro leads Keith towards his own bed and helps him sit down. While he's doing this Keith keeps saying he's fine. And of course that he already took care of it.

"Let me see." Shiro looks at his brother's arm and sees all the bandages.

"Who did this?" Shiro asks.

"Lance.. I was close to his house so I went to him." Keith replies giving in to the fact he's not going to escape all the questions.

"And who did this." Shiro says a lot more angrier because now he's talking about the people who hurt his little brother.

"Already dealt with it. It's okay."

"No it's not. You are hurt Keith. That's not an It's okay."

"Yes it is. The guys won't try to do anything anymore." Keith points towards his wounds. "And this wasn't that bad."

"Fine but let me see."


"Your other wounds." Shiro says.

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