Chapter 4: Third book

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"Lance Playe time!" Lance's little sister Mia shouts. She throws her second favourite doll at him. Even though she is little it hurts like hell.

"Ahh Mia don't throw things at me!" Lance rubs over the place that took the hit. He looks at Mia who is really quiet now, he sees that she has tears in her eyes. Oh no mama is going to kill me if I make her cry!

"Lance está lastimado? Don be hurt! Lance!" And she cries. well it is cute she's crying about him being hurt and not her doing something that made him mad.

"No llores! Mia baby my cutey lovely lady of mine only little sister I have! It didn't hurt that much hey don't cry." That it didn't hurt that much was a lie though. Lance wipes Mia's tears away with his hands. She seems to calm down a bit. Lance picks her up and lets her sit on his shoulders. She always loves it when he does this, so she immanently giggles.

"Lance I'm high!" She says while giggling.

"You better not." Lance says.

their mother enters the room. Lance greets her while he's still running around with his sister on his shoulder. Their mother always loved things like this. She knew Lance would be a great father some day, she can see that the way he plays with his siblings. She can already see her Lance saying to her his wife is pregnant, the smile on his face as big as well his whole face. And his wife already placing her hands over her belly, even if she isn't even showing yet. Lance would love to have a little girl to protect, but he would also want a little boy to show how flirting works. Mama Mcclain just knows his son would have an internal crisis deciding wich gender he would like the best, but then his wife would calm him down and say it doesn't matter. She would just tell him that she knows he will be happy anyway, that would calm her son.

"Lance don't you need to go to school?" She says to her son.

"Yes I do, but giving my little sister some attention is a must." Lance says laying Mia down on the ground. He sees her tummy and well then you just have to tickle her, so he does.

"Lance! Por favor detente!" She says while laughing.

"No I can't stop Mia I can't control it Ahhhhh!" He says tickling her even harder. Then his mom stops the two because Lance really needs to get ready for school. Lance listens to his mother and stops with tickling his sister. His mother picks Mia up and goes to Mia's room to het her ready as well. Dylan is again still in his bed, like always. So Lance decides to bother him with jumping on his bed. That isn't evil, it is just practical. He needs to wake up anyway. Lance sneaks upstairs and into his brothers room. He is as silent as he can be to make sure he doesn't wake up before the jump. And somehow he succeeds in being silent enough. Lance stands still when he reaches the bed. Then he jumps.


"AH! FUCK WHO WHAT!" Dylan now sees his brother laying on him. "I give you one second to get the fuck off of me."

"Maybe I will and maybe I will not."

"I will kick you so hard that when you cum nothing will ever come out of you.." Dylan get's interrupted by their father walking into the room. He looks at his two sons a bit angry.

"If I ever get woken up by you two screaming and yelling again. I will get your mother involved, so be careful now." He says. Lance and Dylan immanently get of the bed and run away.


Lance has grabbed all his books for today. When he wants to close his locker he hears a voice behind him.
"Hey Lance!" Lance hears Pidge say. He looks behind him to see Pidge and Hunk standing there.

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