Chapter 29: Sir.

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"Lance seriously where did you learn to cook like that?" Keith asks as he eats Lance's specialty... The sandwich.

"It's just a sandwich Keith.." Lance says with a tiny blush on his cheeks. He was actually not the best cook in his family so he didn't get compliments that often about his cooking skills.

"Just a sandwich?.. just a sandwich?! Nope nope nope." Keith takes another bite. "Just the sause compliments with every thing you put on here! Please make my lunch from now on."

Keith makes some more weird sounds to let everyone know he likes the sandwich. Lance pushes him a little. "Stoopp.."

"Lanncce can you already see it? Keith leaning into your neck as you make his lunch everyday." Pidge says trying to get Lance to blush even more. She and Shay start to laugh.. Pidge a little more 'expressive' then Shay, Shay just giggles really cute making Hunk look at her with googly eyes. But Pidge did succeed.. Lance is as red as a tomato.


"No don't stop." Everybody looks at Keith weird.. "What!? I want that to happen someday..."

"Ahhh.." Hunk says with a smile. He loves to see his two friends being all romantic. He's a bit of a romantic himself if he has to mention it. What.. dinner with Shay was amazing this Christmas break. He made her the most delicious meal and bought her a new necklace with a personal touch.. he likes personal things.

Christmas break just finished and all the schools have opened for a couple days now. The group is at their usual lunch break table. Keith is still enjoying the delicious sandwich as he and Lance playfully kick each other underneath the table... On accident kicking Pidge a couple times as well, she wasn't so happy about that.

Keith of course is already done with school.. even though it just started. Not because of the work.. cause like what work. He finishes it quickly and perfectly done in a short time, it's just the people. Everybody is always or staring at him while avoiding him or some girls are blushing... While avoiding him.

And now the news is out about his brother. Well they take pictures now too. It's just irritating. They haven't really caught him and Lance yet luckily for Lance, he wouldn't mind though he would love to show Lance to the world. But well he would be recognized more often then as well. All the pictures of him and Lance together for now look like just a friendship.

"Hey could I ask you two something?" Shay asks.

Lance and Keith both stop kicking each other... They look at each other and both say at the same time. "Yeah sure.."

"Do you two ever fight? We all only see you two being all content. Yes we see you two bicker but never really disagreeing with each other so much it escalates into a fight. We are quite worried about this fact. What if someday you two do fight and break up because the two of you never fought before?"

Lance smiles at her. "Oh no we fight.. we try to do it as less as possible but we still fight."

"I'm the one who has to apologise though. Lance will never say he was wrong." Keith says with a side glance to Lance.

Lance gasps. "Take that back!"

"Okay sorry.." Keith says looking at the others with a face like.. told you so.

Lance now realizes that Keith may be a little right.. but yeah he won't say sorry. "I don't like fighting with you tho.. it everytime feels like you will hate me or something and break up with me." Lance admits.

"Hey.." Keith grabs Lance's hand underneath the table. "Never think that again okay.. I'll never break up with you." And he means it.

"Promise?" Lance says full with hope.

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