Chapter 33: Dylan's apology.

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"Keith he went through so much and I didn't know.. I'm literally the worst brother ever."

"No you're not. Dylan would say you are the best as well.. I also think Shiro is the best brother I could have, but I had my problems that I didn't tell him too."

Lance falls back on the bed. "I'm glad he's okay though."

Keith sits next to him and says.
"Me too.."



"Everything could've happened.. I could've lost him."

"I know Lance.. but you didn't."

"I know.."

Keith lays down next to Lance and moves Lance's head towards his shoulder. "Just go to sleep. Tomorrow we can talk a bit more to Dylan and then we know what happened."

Lance nods but doesn't say anything.

Keith quickly kisses him on top of his head. "You where so brave today Lance.. I love you."

"Love you too." Lance says before he closes his eyes. He doesn't sleep immediately, but laying there in Keith's arms is okay as well.


Dylan isn't able to sleep.. how can he after almost being murdered and.. much more. Lance is lucky he has somebody to cuddle with, he only has a pillow.

But he's lucky that he's here in a comfortable bed. He thought a couple hours ago that he would never even get the chance of apologizing to Lance and Keith. He thought he would never see his family again. And he thought he would've had to sleep outside for sometime. It all went well luckily, but it just still feels wrong. He feels guilty, he keeps thinking about how it could've gone instead and he's so worried about how the others will react. Mama will be so angry, papi will be furious even.

He just wants to sleep to not think about these thoughts, but of course that isn't how it works. Now he can't sleep and has a continuous heartache like feeling.

And worst of all is that the paranoia isn't gone yet. He's in a dark room and keeps thinking Brodie will walk in any minute with a bag that you see in those movies, and then he puts the bag over his head, and then outside he finishes the job. Or just any dark shadow is Sven waiting for the perfect moment to grab him.

Dylan knows that this will be a long night and not that long sleep.

Not that he slept that well lately. The group he was in kept him up just as much. Late night.. illegal jobs.

Is it weird that he misses them? He misses them but doesn't want them back either. He misses the thought of them being his friends, the laughing, the being himself around them. He feels betrayed by the one closest to him. But he knows he made the mistake of making them the closest. He should've gone with the person why already always let him be who he wants, the one that just now proved he would be okay with being in danger for him.

His own brother.. and kind of brothers now. Keith is kind of his brother so it counts.

He could've just accepted Lance and Keith, maybe they could've been the best of friends and family. But he fucked it up.
And now he will have to live with a angry mom and dad.

And this paranoia won't leave very soon either.


The next morning Shiro sees his brother and Lance walk into the kitchen. He can see they didn't sleep well but what did he expect. "Morning.. is Dylan up?" He asks.

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