Chapter 22: Lo amo y me ama.

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Lance walks through his room.

What is he going to wear!

He can't just walk in with a hoodie on. But a full on suit is maybe a bit too much. Or is it? But then his mother would already figure out what he's going to do this evening and he wants to surprise them on Christmas. It isn't fun if they have to tell each and every person separately, everybody at once needs to know about him and Keith.

So no suit.

Maybe just this jacket? It does look good on him.
Lance puts the jacket on and looks in the mirror. He could wear this, it is looking good on him. This jacket was once his older brother's jacket. When he gave it to him a long time ago it didn't even fit him yet. But now it does and it is his favourite. He really misses his brother a lot. Him wearing this jacket meeting Shiro for the first time as Keith's boyfriend and not a friend will be like he's there for him. He knows how Marco would act if he where here. He was the same with his other relationships.

"Ohhh Lancy Lance is going to his girlfriend."

"Lance be careful of the dad! They bite!"

"Use protection!!"

He was like 10 when he had his first girlfriend. Of course that didn't work out. They where 10 and didn't understand a lot of things back then because they where both kids. Mostly loyalty. He found her looking at some other boy in class once. He was so sad when that happened.

He didn't meet her parents. Their relationship lasted like two weeks.

The next girlfriend he had lasted a bit longer. He was around 15 or something. So at this time a relationship can last long enough to meet your partners family. He was so sure then that she was the one. Marco of course teased him so badly when he went to ask her father for permission to date his daughter.
He said yes and they dated for a while.
But then she moved away and the both of them broke it off.

And so there where many more. But now.. he only wants this one to stay. He's not planning on losing Keith, doesn't matter what happens. He kind of promised too that he will always be there for him too so he is legally not allowed to leave. He promised Keith he will always be there for him.

Marco would be teasing him about that too.
"Lance thinks he found his soulmate! Cuuuute!!!"

"Keith you can do soo much better than dating this guy."

And Veronica would join in of course.
"Keith!! What made you fall for lancyyy?? Did he bribe you?"

"I don't want to hear any weird noises tonight okay! I'm sleeping in the room next to you!"

Lance shakes his head. He thinks they are the most irritating people on this planet. It will even be worse when he tells everyone that this is serious and not just a simple boyfriend.

But he can't wait for Christmas.


"Mia stop crying please..! Lance is just going to eat somewhere else tonight. He isn't going to leave you." Helen Mcclain picks up her crying daughter and bounces her in her arms to hopefully get the crying to stop. This now always happens since Dylan did his not saying anything but not being home behavior. She now always cries when somebody isn't there for dinner.

It is cute that this shows how much she loves them and all. But a crying child is never fun.

"Mia.. hey I'm just going to a friend. I'm back tonight okay. You will see mee tomorrow morning."

"Lancy don't leave!" The two year old shrieks hysterically.

Dylan covers his ears. He's done with this crying. "Come on Mia SHUT UP!"

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