Chapter 5 Groceries.

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"Lance!" Dylan shouts from across the hallway. Everybody in the school can hear him at this point but he doesn't seem to care. He runs towards his brother leaving the people he was walking with behind. Lance just wanted to tell his friends about that Keith likes the same book as him, but well his brother interrupted him rudely.

"Lance el imbécil!" Dylan is now standing right in front of Lance punching his arm. Not that it would've hurt much normally, but it is right on the spot Keith hit him with that ball. So Lance let's out a little whine.

"I've heard what you did. You are so dead! And I'm not even going to do that, that Keith guy is. First I hear that people saw you walking next to him and then I heard what happened in the locker room."

"Dylan It's fine I'm not going to die."

"We literally saw a guy get thrown on the ground yesterday by him. You are more then dead Lance! And even if he's not going to kill you, mama is."

"You won't." Lance looks at his brother in horror. Is he really going to tell his mother about Keith. He will get an ass beating for trying to talk to the bully of the school. Lance's mother will be so disappointed if one of her children hangs out with the wrong people on purpose. She always said. "No drugs, no stealing. Cause then you will be feeling my shoe for days." And she's not kidding! She's not abusive or something. But you don't want to make her disappointed.

"Well I kind of have to explain who beat you up don't I."

"Well luckily for me he's not going to do anything. That way you won't have to tell mami." Lance says to his brother.

"Well everyone in my class is already giving me their condolences." Dylan says as the bell rings. He walks back to his friends who have been waiting the whole time.

Lance looks at Pidge and Hunk and says.
"He's probably just kidding. I'm like 98 procent sure that Keith won't kill me."

"What about those other two?" Pidge asks.

"They are still in debate."

Then they just walk to their next class.


The rest of the day went smoothly. No Keith beating him up, no Iverson bringing him down. That counts for having a good time. He even got some attention from a couple cute girls. They didn't seem like girlfriend matterial though. He knows when a girl is seriously interested or just wants someone to make her ex jealous. The last one was the case with these girls. When he said goodbye to them a girl even pointed towards another guy who didn't really looked pleased.

Why can't he just get a cute beautiful girl he can show of. You know someone that when she enteres his house his father is like 'good catch.' And his mother almost crying because she accepted her as her own already. Lance is sure he will find her soon. With his flirting skills it has to be easy right?

Lance is now walking home with his brother. They talk some about their day and some cute girls Dylan saw at his French class today. Not soon after that Dylan asks about Keith. He wants to know every detail.

"Like how did you get in the situation of walking next to him. And only you can walk into the meanest guy in the whole school by accident." Dylan says.

"Look he didn't beat me up so can we drop it already?"

"You are also the only one that could walk into the meanest guy of the school and get away with it. They all say now that you have some calming vibe." Dylan wiggles his arms at the last part.

"Calming vibe?" Lance looks at his brother a bit confused.

"Yeah, they say he just nodded and calmed down after you said something. They never saw someone talking to him and not get fucked up somehow, so everybody is impressed."

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