Chapter 3: 22 times in four years.

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"So Mr Iverson is a bad guy?" Lance asks.

"Terrible." Pidge answers.

"I'm even more afraid of him then Keith." Hunk says. "He once gave me a lower grade because I said that I was happy with my grade."

"What?! That shouldn't be even legal.. you told some other teacher about this right?" Lance asks.

"Yeah of course I did. But that man just said that he found another mistake. And they believed him! Must be the little soaps he gives every teacher with Christmas, they love them." Hunk says really irritated.

The three walk through the hallways of the school. It was a long day, but they did it they can go home now. Lance really wants to tell his mama and papi about his new friends, and he really wants to know if Dylan had any luck with making friends. He does see his brother a bit further down the hallway, it looks like he's saying goodbye to some people.

"Dylan wait up!" Dylan looks where the sound of his brother yelling is coming from. He sees his brother and stops with walking. Lance says goodbye to his two new friends and rushes towards his brother. Pidge and Hunk first don't know who the person is that Lance left them for.. but that only takes a moment because it is pretty obvious. Lance and Dylan look like each other a lot. Not like twins exactly the same, but it is clear that they are brothers.

"Mi hermano manor! How was your day?" Lance asks Dylan as he arrives next to him.

"It was okay. This school is a lot different and bigger. I did hung out with some people, I think you can call them my friends now. It is a big group of people, so I won't be lonely." Dylan answers.

"Great to hear you had fun. This school is indeed a bit different, but I don't think it's a bad different." Lance says.

"Yeah It's fun like the gym has so many more equipment!" Dylan says excited.

"So you had p.e today?" Lance asks.

"Yes and it is already my favourite subject. We did basketball ball today, and you know how much I like basketball. And of course the girls." This makes Lance chuckle a bit. His brother really likes to flirt with the girls too. He's so proud.

"And you say I'm a pervert, while you look at girls in shorts." Lance says as he hits his brothers arm.

"Well you drool over any girl you see. I just do it when they are not dressed in many clothes. There is a difference." Dylan says.

"Yeah that you are a pervert and I'm just romantic." Lance says.

"Romantic? Don't make me laugh! You can't even get a relationship." Dylan starts laughing.

"Says the guy who never had a girlfriend.. While I did." Lance says with a smirk on his face.

"Fuck off Lance. I'm going to get a better girlfriend then you."

"Sure..." Lance says in a teasing way.

A moment later the two boys walk outside of the building. They walk towards the exit when Dylan sees the people he hung out with today.
"Lance can you wait for a bit? I want to say goodbye."

"Yeah sure." Lance answers. Then his brother rushes towards the indeed pretty big group of people sitting in the grass. He looks at the to judge them, because of course it is his little brother they hang out with. And he doesn't want them to be a bad influence. He can't really tell how they are as friends. But he can see that they look much younger then Dylan while Dylan is the same age as them.

They don't look like bad people.. but if Dylan gets hurt, some people will have to cry in front of their parents.

Lance also looks at the other people who walk around him. The people here are a bit different than the people in Cuba. Of course here they have a bit different culture. You can see the people here care more about what other people think of them. But well everyone cares about that a little bit.

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