Chapter 12: Pillow material.

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"Lance get out of my room!"

Dylan throws his pillow at Lance who is standing in the doorway. Lance can duck just in time and the pillow goes through the door down the stairs. Dylan groans and stands up.
"Thank you Lance! Now my pillow is gone."

"What where you doing??" Lance says with a knowing smirk. He saw Dylan hide his phone away when he entered the room.

"Nothing and it wouldn't be your fucking business." 

Lance puts his hands in the air in defeat. "Alright alright. You know we are both guys so you don't have to be .." 

Lance can't finish because Dylan yells really loud.
"Fuck off Lance. Get my pillow and go away!"

"Okay okay I get it. You don't have to yell at me" 

Lance rushes down the stairs and picks up the pillow. Dylan is so unbelievable scary right now. Puberty isn't doing him good. He is grumpy all the time and is just a big brat. Lance hopes this will go away soon. Maybe it became worse because they moved? He's only a teenager so this must have been harder on him than the rest of them. Now it sounds like Lance is a full adult. Well he's officially, but he's only 18 himself.

He really misses his family in Cuba, so he could understand why this had such an effect on Dylan. He misses his sister who he could always come to for advice. He misses his brother who was the best to hang out with. He wants to hold and play with their children again like he used to do. Tag was always their favourite game to play with Uncle Lance.

And he misses his sweet abuela who he can't see anymore because she doesn't know how technology works. She does call every week thankfully. 

They live in America for around four months now, and he's been at school for two. It's already starting to get a little colder. Soon it will be Halloween his first Halloween in America. He never really celebrated it because in Cuba people don't really do it, but he always wanted to. Hunk and Pidge say it's amazing. What if he gets Keith to dress up as a prince! For sure he will show a picture of it to Mia. Well or he will dress up as a prince because well look at him. But he's like a prince everyday so with Halloween he could be something different. 

"Give me my pillow!" Dylan grabs the pillow out of Lance's hands as soon as he's upstairs again. 

"Now leave" Dylan points towards his door. 

"Okay okay I'll leave." Lance says as he walks out of the door and closes it.

He wanted to ask Dylan if he wanted to come with him into the city. But he's busy jerking off to girls he'll never get. 

Even if he lives here for 4 months now he hasn't been exploring the city that much. He has been there with his mom before for new clothes. Summer clothes aren't really comfortable when temperature drops. But he hasn't done what he loves most, exploring every little shop they have. Maybe they have some little boutiques!

"Lance where are you going?" His father asks as Lance prepares to leave and is tying his shoes.

"Voy a la ciudad. Volveré en un par de horas."

"Alright just be back before dinner." His father says as he walks towards the front door.

"Of course I'm back before dinner. Mama is making lasagna." Lance opens the front door. He almost forgets to take his house keys with him but he remembers just in time and grabs them.

"Bye papa." Lance says as he walks out of the door.

Because of the trouble of not having a car and or license.. he has to take the bus. But okay it isn't that horrible.

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