Chapter 35: Gravestones

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"Keith no.. baby that isn't food." Krolia rushes towards her son who is trying to eat his now empty plate. "How can you still be hungy? We just ate our dinner."

Little Keith looks at her like she's crazy. "But Mommy I'm hungry!"
Look he just wants his food okay. How can his mother not understand that.. disgraceful.

"Keith you had enough." Krolia tries to sound strict.

"Mommmmyy!" Little Keith whines.


Keith pouts and crosses his arms. Not fair.. adults can eat whatever they want and he can't.

The two hear laughing and look at the door where the laughing is coming from. It's Keith's father Steven. "Oh honey look at that face and tell me you can say no to that."

"I can and you should too." Krolia says as her husband Walks towards her laughing.

"I like to spoil my son a little." A smirk forms on steven's face as he places a cookie he held behind his back on the table for Keith to grab. Keith giggles and immediately puts the cookie in his mouth.


"It's just dessert."

"He already had dessert.."

Steven shrugs. "A secondary dessert then."

Krolia shakes her head. "You are unbelievable." But then she chuckles a little as well.

Keith already finished his cookie. But you know what he feels a bit too full now.. that isn't so nice of his tummy.
"Mommy my tummy is full."

"That is because you ate too much love."

"But it hurts!"

"Well papa's fault for giving you that cookie."


Keith stares at the screen in front of him. This can't be true.. they told him he was left behind by them.. not that they where looking for him.

Why would mr and mrs Shirogane lie to him about this..

Those are his god damn parents! They didn't tell the truth about his parents.

Keith is furious.. so fucking furious. He stands up and his chair falls down when he does. But why would he care is something breaks. He only deels anger and isn't thinking clearly.. some things laying next to the laptop crash on the ground as well.
If he could he wouldn't care if the laptop broke as well... but that thing is kind of expensive so he isn't doing something reckless with it.

Keith has already decided what he has to do. And that means no school tomorrow, but he doesn't care. He doesn't need the last couple weeks for his exams.

Keith rushes out of his house and goes down towards the garage. The only thing he has with him is his phone, car keys and creditcard .. more he doesn't need right now.

He will get information. He needs information. The first people that can give him that information are Shiro's parents. They have a lot of explaining to do right now..

Keith knew they didn't like him but why would they not tell him something this crucial. It isn't like something would've been different for them.. for him yes it would've been different. But for them not, they still had all the rights to him even if he knew.

He hates them. He fucking hates them!

Keith walks towards his car and gets in. Then he drives away.

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