Chapter 6: At your own pace.

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"Lance there are my cookies! Ksst ksst." Pidge climbs on a table in the outside courtyard. Lance and Pidge decided that they wanted to eat their lunch outside today. Hunk would be joining then later.

Lance smirks and climbs on the table as well. And with Lance being more then a head taller then Pidge he can easily take the cookies from her.
"Lance you demon! I did not SUMMON YOU!"

"What are you going to do about it." Lance eats a cookie out of the bag they are in. He then looks at Pidge who has an evil grin on her face. A moment later she attacks. She's small but that makes it easier to climb on Lance. She is now sitting on his shoulders while she punches Lance's head over and over again.
"Pidge no!! Stop. Ah this actually hurt."

"That's what you get for stealing my cookies! I don't believe in karma, I am karma!"

"Okay fine here your cookies back!" Lance says. Pidge looks content and climbs down. She immediately grabs her cookies and sits back down. Lance sits down at the table as well.

"Pidge? That was actually pretty sad." Lance says.

"What do you mean? You stealing my cookies cause I agree that's sad." She replies.

"No I mean you saying you don't believe in karma while being karma. That means you don't believe in yourself." Pidge needs a moment to think about that..

A moment later she says.
"Since when did you become smart enough to think about something like that?"

"Hey!" Lance looks offended and places his hand on his chest for the dramatic effect. They laugh a bit and talk about random things. Just as Lance wants to tell about what happened yesterday at the grocery store. Hunk walks towards them.

"Hey guys." Hunk greets them really happy. Lance has a eye for these thing and he knows the face of someone that just talked to a really cute girl. Lance jumps up and points at Hunk.

"Hunk is in love!" He says.

"What?! No no I'm not." Hunk looks a bit shocked.

"Hunk we both know you like Shay." Pidge says with her arms crossed.

"Who's Shay?" Lance asks.

"Shay is a girl in our Spanish class. Hunk always stares at her the whole hour of class." Pidge teases Hunk.

"I do not. She's just a girl that I admire very much."

"Isn't that having a crush?" Lance walks towards Hunk and leans against him with a arm on his shoulder.

"It is not. I swear guys."

"Sure..." Lance and Pidge say at the same time.


Lance walks through the hallways of the school looking at his phone. He's looking at things related to Voltron. He sees some people who made fan art and theories about where the story will go next. Some people are really talented! They all draw their idea of how the characters look like. We know some things of course about the appearance of the characters, because it is told in the books. But we will never know for sure. Except when the writer is going to work with other people on a movie or tv show of course.

Lance always sees the blue paladin as himself actually. And it would be accurate because in the book he's described as a bit dark skinned and with blue eyes. And well he has dark skin and blue eyes. Lance also just thinks that how he acts is similar to him.

Lance looks at the social media of the writer. She posted something new.


Great news for al Voltron readers!
I'm in my basement workplace working to finish the newest book. It will come out in November this year. I can't say much about the book. But I can give away the title. Book 5 will be named Beyond control.

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