Chapter 18: Choices.

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It's late when Keith arrives at the penthouse he lives in. He knows he still smells like the vodka he drank. That was the reason he stayed outside for a while. A long while. He really considered again to go to a park and sleep there. Then he could've just lied that he forgot to message Shiro he was sleeping over at Lance's house or something. But he just really wants to go home. Sometimes you just have that feeling. He wants to see his brother even if he's mad at him for being late.

He wants Shiro to act the same as Lance did back at the party. Hugging him telling everything is alright.

When Lance hugged him he wanted to cry. He didn't because it was Lance. He doesn't want him to see him all vulnerable. That's probably just something that happens is you like somebody.

But Keith knows one thing for sure. He'll break down if Shiro ever says he accepts him for who he is. But he knows he'll break down as well if he says he regrets everything he did for him. And Keith knows Shiro would regret it if he told him everything.

He would regret taking him in.

Regret losing his parents in the process.

He would regret losing the life he could've had.

Keith knows his brother. He will be there still waiting for him in the living room. Maybe Allura will still be there, asleep while Shiro didn't even close a eye.

Keith walks into his house.

And he was correct.

"Keith is that you?"

"No I'm a burglar."

Shiro appears in the doorway as Keith takes off his shoes.

"You're late."

"I know Shiro."

Shiro knows his brother. He will just go to bed without explaining. Maybe he will even be angry if he asks why he was late. But he does it anyway.
"Keith why are you late?"

"I just am."

Why does Keith keep shutting him out? Does he not trust him? Did he do something wrong?
"Keith if something happened you should tell me."

Keith knows he shouldn't a frustrated teenager now. So he smiles.
"Shiro it's okay. It was just really fun at the party."

"It was?" Shiro asks.

"Yeah.. I laughed a lot with my friends and made a new one. But I'm tired now so I'm going to bed. I'll probably be tired tommorow." 

"That's what you get for being home late." Shiro smiles as well. "Goodnight Keith."

"Goodnight Shiro."
Keith walks away towards his own room.

Shiro knows Keith was lying. He saw it in Keith's eyes and in the fake smile he wore on his face. Something did happen but he's not going to force it out of his little brother. If he would try it would not go well. Shiro lets out a sigh and shakes his head.

Allura had fallen asleep while watching their last movie a couple hours ago. He had laid her on his bed. Now he will have to sleep on the sofa in his room. But Allura is worth the pain in his neck in the morning. He doesn't even know if she wanted to stay overnight, hopefully she won't mind.

Shiro makes his way to his bedroom. When he opens the door he sees that Allura is awake and sitting upwards in his bed.

"Hey you're awake?" Shiro walks into the room.

"Yeah I woke up when I heard someone opening the front door. I assumed it was Keith and well.. it's really late so I got worried."

"You don't have to worry.. I'm his brother so I should.."

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