Chapter 31: Anniversary.

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Keith walks through the mall. He knows Lance is going to make their day special, so he will need to do something special as well. Lance is like the most romantic person on this planet and he doesn't expect Keith to be romantic back.

But Keith is going to prove him wrong.
He can be romantic as well! Literally yesterday Lance said to him he didn't think Keith was romantic, in a joking way because he does love him very much. But now Keith just has to prove him wrong.

He already thought of this gift a couple weeks ago and he knows Lance will love it.

Keith knows people are looking at him but he doesn't care when he walks in the shop. This may look like he's buying a engagement ring.. but he wants to buy a ring for Lance as a promise ring. A promise that he is the one getting on his knees and popping the question one day, and not Lance.

"Hello sir how can I help you?" A man behind says walking towards him.

"Yes, I'm looking for a ring. A promise ring not engagement I'm only 18 so it's a bit early for that." Keith looks through all the rings.

The man laughs a bit. "Of course. May I ask the occasion?"

"6 month anniversary." Keith answers.

The man smiles. "Well congratulations." The man walks towards a glass cabinet and starts to ask some more questions. "Who is the lucky lady?"

"Not a lady."

"Oh.. a lucky man?"

Keith nods in response. "Do you have something with purple in it? Or red and blue?"

"I do indeed. If you would come with me." The man walks towards another cabinet with more robust designs. Some of them are just plain but others have little stones in them. "What is your budget?"

"Doesn't matter."


Keith nods again. He never wants to spend money while Shiro always says he can just use all the money they have as he whishes. But now.. Lance deserves it and it is really important.

"Then I would like to show you these two rings. It is of a average price range but I got to warn you that doesn't mean inexpensive." The man opens the cabinet with a key and shows Keith the two rings. It is simple but good and with purple stones in the middle of the ring.

"As I said I can pay for it." Keith says smiling at the rings. He likes them, and hopefully Lance will like them too. He knows Lance's ring size too for some reason. It just came up one day in a random conversation. Of course he remembered it because he knew one day he would need it, that is probably why Lance told him.. Keith had told him his ring size as well, so Keith thinks that the conversation was for if they ever needed it.

Keith tells the man his and Lance's ring size and the man takes notes.
After everything Keith pays for the rings.

He is sure Lance is going to love them.


"Sir do you know who that was!? You need to tell us what he bought please!"

"I'm sorry I can't do that gentleman."

"We will pay you for if. Just name a amount."

"No can't do. What my customers buy is not your business." He has a feeling that it isn't a good idea to tell these people about the man's lover.


     Lance- Hunk please! Help me!

Hunk- No, you are the romanic guy you think of your own gift.

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