Chapter 32: Code S.

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  "Then we will just need to get rid of him."  

Everybody that is present in the room laughs and cheers. They love it when Vic becomes like this.. But Dylan.. he is scared. He hasn't seen them like this at all. What is this.. why is Vic so violent. Wait what are the going to do? Is he serious.. is he going to really going to..

"We should've done that a long fucking time!" A random guy cheers holding his glass up.

"We know what that rich guy can do! We need to deal with him quickly."

Dylan looks around him.. do they really mean that way of getting rid of him. But that's wrong.. Keith.. He doesn't want somebody to get hurt..

Brodie turns his head towards Dylan and starts talking. this startles Dylan and snaps him out of his thoughts. He needs to calm down, but it isn't working at all.. He knows now what they can do, and what they will do if he walks away from this now.
"Dylan you are our best bet for getting to Keith. Give us some suggestions how we can get to him."

"I.. I don't know."

All the people in the room cheer him up a bit.. encouraging him that he knows for sure how to get to him.
"Come on Dylan!"

"You must know something right?"

Dylan is stressing out.. he can't just say something.. he can't he fucking can't!
What will they do to Keith. "I don't know him well okay.. you guys know I don't like him."

Brodie looks at Dylan. He knows he doesn't want to give anything away.. he knows what's going on in his head. And that's okay but he needs to get it out of his head soon. Otherwise he will need to do what he has to do when he will betray them. "Dylan.. I know you know something. You can tell us. I know you just got a tsunami of information over your head.. but just try to remember a piece of important information."

Brodie looks at Dylan dead in the eye. Dylan can't lie now..
"Maybe.. eh.. he doesn't really have a Weakness, people at school sometimes tried to find it but failed."

"There must be something.." Brodie insist.

".. Lance..  Lance is his weakness I guess. But it isn't like we can do something with him."
They won't do something with his brother. They are his friends. He trusts them... He guesses he trusts them.

Brodie smirks. "Thank you Dylan. We can make a plan to get to Keith.. Vic what do you think we need to do?"

Vic is thinking while ideas are thrown around by the others. Everybody is shouting something really stupid like just going to his house and deal with him
Dylan is slowly sinking into his chair. He isn't a kid anymore.. he knows what dealing with Keith means. And for some reason he doesn't want it to happen.

Dylan thinks back to the day Lance brought Keith with him for Christmas.. he was so excited that day. He saw the excitement the whole day in his eyes.. except the moment they all shut him out.

And he knew Lance cried that night.. and he knew Keith comforted him. He heard it all. Keith's lovely words to his brother and all he could think of was that Lance betrayed him.
But Lance was hurting and he wasn't there for him.

But Keith was.


Keith has been there for him hasn't he.
And he wasn't.

"Then we will just hurt his precious little boyfriend right. He will come then." Vic grins with this look in his eye.. like he enjoys this. How can somebody enjoy this.

Dylan's eyes widen.. and then he makes the stupidest mistake he probably ever made. He jumps up from his chair en shouts. "No!"
Everybody in the room immediately goes silent. Nobody goes against Vic. You just follow whatever he says.. no buts.

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