Chapter 25: Love... it's a Mcclain thing.

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Oh.. this isn't going as planned..

This is going like he planned with Shiro. This wasn't supposed to happen with Lance's family.

Why is it going this way? They are lovable people. And they love family above all! What is going on?

Keith felt like it was going good. Everybody talked to him and everybody seemed to like him being there. But now he feels like a outsider. A lot are even trying not to look at him.

Lance follows his parents towards the hallway. His parents didn't look happy at all. God damnit Lance doesn't deserve this. He would've deserve it with how he was living not him! It's unfair, so fuckin unfair.

"Papi why is it so quiet?" Percy asks his father Carlos. Luis is right behind him looking at Keith. Why is everyone being weird? Why is prince Keith looking so sad? Why did hermano have to go with papi and mama.

"It's nothing Percy.. why don't you and luis go with all the children outside. Go and play tag or something but stay outside okay?" Carlos guides the children outside.

As they are forced to go outside Luis asks. "But why? Keith looks sad! Is something wrong?"

"Don't worry about it Luis. It's something for adults." He closes the door and the children start to play. There goes Keith's only thing he can look at without feeling awkward. Great. Maybe he could just go outside with them..?

Keith looks around. He sees Veronica and Marco arguing.. he feels guilty. He knows this is about him and Lance. Carlos joins their argument and takes his wife's side. Keith listens..

"I know that it's Lance... But come on. We both know this isn't the right choice for him."

"And who are you to decide that?" Veronica looks away from her brother.
"Maybe this is the best choice he ever made. "

"He wants children Veronica.. he can't now. He won't be a father. And he can't even marry."

"Marco are you forgetting that he lives in America now. It's different here."

"So.. he won't come back to Cuba?" Marco looks down... he looks frustrated and sad.

"Well.. maybe he won't. But it's his life right?" Carlos tries to reason with Marco.

Marco gives Keith a dead glare. "He was never into guys before this guy. Something must be up. Maybe he.."

Hila stands up from her seat.
"Marco can you shut up! I love you but you're being unreasonable now"

Angel starts to cry because of all the commotion. Marco is getting more frustrated because of that. "Hila! See what you're doing. Now she's crying!"

"Well and I have a feeling Lance is crying now too! But you don't seem to care about that!" Hila shouts.

Keith can't take this anymore. He stands up and walks away from the table and says. "I'll be outside.."

The family looks at Keith going through the back door towards the garden. Some are a bit worried about their children... But they soon know they will be fine. He was with their children a moment ago and then it was fine as well.

"Fucking great." Dylan walks away from the table as well and falls down on the couch. "Rich boy needed to fuck up my brother. Well that explains why he chose him instead of us."

"He didn't choose him over us Dylan!" Veronica shouts.

"Oh really! Then why is he caring more about Keith then his family back home for months now! Veronica I've been living with him not you!"

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