Chapter 28: doing as he has been told.

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Keith is the first one to wake up like always. It takes him a while to remember Lance is sleeping next to him. It takes him even longer to remember Lance and him are naked under the covers.
He looks at his lover laying next to him.
They actually did it last night.. he knew sex was good, but this was something else. This was... Amazing just fucking amazing. He stares lovely at the sleeping Lance. He wants to kiss him but he isn't awake. That frustrates Keith but he can't do anything about it. It would frustrate him even more to bother him.

But he does lay to far away in Keith's opinion. He needs him closer.

Keith moves a bit towards Lance and lays Lance's head in his neck as he puts his arms around him. He loves the warmth Lance is giving him... Of course it's winter so it's always welcome to get some more warmth. But Lance is better then a sweater or a fire. He doesn't feel cold at all.

Lance groans a little bit. Keith is afraid for a little while that he is going to wake up already. But he doesn't. So Keith can enjoy looking at Lance for a little longer. Not too long of course because that would be a bit creepy. Just a minute longer.

A couple minutes later Keith sofly kisses Lance to wake him up. "Lance.. baby?"

"Mmhhh..." Lance only makes a couple sounds

Keith chuckles a little and nuzzles his head into Lance "Laaanncee."

"Shut up mullet." Lance tries to fall asleep again in Keith's arms.

"I think we need to get ready. Otherwise your parents will worry."

"I want to stay here.. I'm comfortable and moving will ruin that."

"I make you comfortable?" Keith asks to tease Lance.

Lance looks up to look at Keith. "A.. a little bit." He's blushing a lot and stutters a bit.

"Lance.. last night I.." Keith wants to talk a bit about what happened and to make sure everything is fine with Lance. But Keith gets cut of by Lance's lips. So much for trying to be a good boyfriend. This is a bit more important at the moment. Keith leans in more as well and kisses back. Lance takes dominance with the kiss and gets on top of Keith while still kissing him.

Lance breaks the kiss for a short moment to say "I love you but please stop talking for a moment."

Keith looks into Lance's eyes. "Yeah.. yeah sure."

Lance laughs a bit but then quickly leans down again to resume the kiss. Keith's hands go to Lance's hips and the hands of Lance go through Keith's hair.
A moment later Lance leans back and says. "You where amazing last night... I could feel you had more experience."

"Lance I'm.. I'm sorry I.."

"Hey don't say sorry!"

"But it was with other people and..."

"Keith." Lance lets his hand rest on Keith's cheek. "We weren't even together.. and I don't mind you having experience, it only benefits me." Lance smiles at that last part. "I loved it so much.. both ways. You where so fucking hot riding me... And I loved to feel you too."

"That's good.. I was afraid you would regret doing it or something. But yeah.. I Loved it too." Keith places his hand on Lance's butt. "And I love waking up like this as well."

Lance laughs a bit. "Yeah me too Carino."

"Your parents are probably wondering where we are though." Keith says.

"Let them wonder. I am sitting on your lap while we are both naked.. I'm not moving anytime soon."

Keith pulls down Lance's head for another kiss. "Me neither.

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