Chapter 7 A lesson school needs.

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Shiro- Good news! Keith is actually trying to socialize.

     Allura- Great to hear! Do you know with who? Maybe I can arrange something.

Shiro- I haven't asked. Should I?

     Allura- I think it would be useful to know.

Shiro- Alright I will ask.

"Shiro You know I don't want you to drag me to places like this. We can just go to Taco Bell or McDonald's I don't care."

Shiro looks up from his phone. His brother is sitting in front of him. Balmaria has always been his favourite. Good food but a bit expensive he can have it though. And this is a special occasion of course, so the price doesn't matter. Keith hates it though. He loves the food as well but he doesn't like that it is expensive. Shiro doesn't know why because they can easily pay for it. And He knows both of the owners. A friendly married couple. He had to do some business with them a year ago. And since then he likes to visit this restaurant.

"No Keith. No Taco Bell for you this time. You deserve this today." Keith sighs and goes back to reading the menu. Shiro does the same, although he most of the time just orders the same thing.

"Hello can I take your order? "
Shiro and Keith look up and see a girl standing next to their table. She looks a bit like the owners of the restaurant, so it is probably their daughter. Keith is sure he saw her before.

"Yes of course. I would like to have the spaghetti." Shiro says with a smile.

"Okay and would you like some parmesan cheese on the dish sir?" The girl asks friendly.

"Yes I would like that."

"Alright.." She writes it on a note and then looks at Keith. He is still looking at the menu.
"Have you made your choice sir?"

Keith looks up from the menu to look at the girl. The moment the girl sees Keith she becomes pale and her eyes widen for a second. Keith immediately known she must be from the same school.
Shiro notices that the girl seems shocked. And he notices that Keith already just wants to go home.

"The Chili-Garlic Grilled Chicken."Keith says avoiding looking at the girl.

"Ye..yes of course. I..I I'll bring it to you soon." She stutters and then walks away as fast as possible.

"Someone you know?" Shiro asks.

"Probably just from school. You know I don't really know people." Keith answers.

"Well you do know that one boy. What was his name?" Shiro probably thinks he's really smooth right now.

"I don't.. really know him. I've met him like two days ago. It's not like he's my best friend all of the sudden."

"He could become your best friend. Keith I think you need to make an afford in making this boy your friend." Keith is starting to look more irritated the more they talk about making friends.

"I don't know Shiro... Lance probably doesn't even want to be friends." So his name is Lance. Shiro is getting information out of his brother.

"Come on little bro. I'm sure he is excited to be friends with you. It's not like you could lose something with being friends."

"Shiro stop.." Keith says a bit nervous.

"And then you could hang out with him at our home. And I would be okay if you want to borrow my car. Is Lance a car person? Or we could just bake some cookies with him if he's into that."

"Shiro stop! I don't even know I can trust him!" Keith says a bit too loud for being in a restaurant.

"Keith.." Shiro tries to calm his brother.

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