Chapter 17: Tell me.

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He won't suspect a thing. He walks as quiet as he can up the stairs. Mama said wake him.... Oh yes I'll wake him. The plan is perfect. The day is perfect.

Lance grabs something from his room and puts it on. Slowly he now walks to the room next to his. Dylan is going to hate him.

He opens the door to Dylan's room and sneeks in. He's still sleeping... Good!!

He's standing now right next to the bed Dylan is asleep in. He looks so peaceful, he won't be anymore in a second.

"HAPPY HALLOWEEN." Lance shouts as he shakes his brother. The first thing Dylan sees when he opens his eyes is a ugly mask Lance is wearing.

Dylan feels his heart just stopping for a second and he screams. "AAAHH fucking hell!!"

Lance starts to laugh. He got him! It worked! He's already a master in Halloween. First Halloween he's celebrating and it's already going good.

Dylan notices now that it is his brother.
"You motherfucker! Get the fuck out!"

"Sorry sorry I saw my chance.."

"Get out now!" Dylan picks up his pillow and hits his brother over and over again. Lance can't stop laughing. Everytime the pillow hits his body he laughs even harder then before.

"Don't ever do that again!"

"Boys!! You two are too loud. Now Mia is crying." Their father shouts from downstairs.

Both Lance and Dylan stop with what they're doing and look at each other. They clearly hear Mia's cries from downstairs now.

"O fuck." They both say at the same time. They rush downstairs to make sure their little sister stops crying. They don't want her to cry, she's to precious for that!

"Mia." Dylan runs inside Mia's room and Lance follows. "Mia don't cry!"

"Boys this is what you get for being so loud in the morning." Their mother scolds them while drying the tears of the little girl.

Mia looks up towards her two older brothers. And starts crying even harder. Like she's scared of something?

Both boys are confused. Why would Mia be scared of them? Dylan wants to asks Lance if he has a idea to make Mia smile. Then he sees the problem.
"Lance el imbécil!"

Now Lance realizes it too. He's still wearing the creepy mask he scared Dylan with.

Dylan forcefully removes the mark off Lance's head. How could he be so stupid to keep that thing on.

"Lance where did you even get that thing. I don't want to see it anymore in my house." Lance's mother picks up her daughter and lays her head in her neck. Mia always loves to cuddle so she calms down a little bit. Now the monster is gone so everything will be alright. Creepy monster didn't eat brother Lance so it's okay. Lancy lance beated the monster. He is a brave knight.

Lance walks a bit closer. He just hopes his sister doesn't hate him now.
"Hey Mia.. it's me okay."

Mia smiles at her brother and points towards Lance.
"Mama I want lance."

Yes she doesn't hate him! His mother chuckles a bit and hands Mia over to Lance.

"Hey Mia sorry for upsetting you. Are we friends again?" Lance asks.

Mia puts her head in Lance's neck and nods. She already forgot why she was crying. "You're my bestfriend Lancy. And Dylan and Luis and Veronica and Marco too."

"Good to know Mia." Lance says kissing Mia's cheek.

Dylan doesn't know how Lance does it. When he scared Mia last time she didn't even acknowledge his existence for weeks. And Lance is just forgiven in one second. Like how?!

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