Chapter 27: Going out with the family.

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"Lance.. come on we can't let them see my car."

"Why not?"

"They will think I'm some... I don't know snob, spoiled brat etcetera. Lance I'm already not that appreciated by your family, what if they will totally hate me after this." Keith is really seriously nervous about their little trip today. Not everyone in the family is going to go of course. Just Lance's closest family.

They wanted to see a real American mall and some more American things that you have to visit when you are on vacation here. But well Keith has to drive a couple of them. He wanted to keep his money... Wel Shiro's money on the background for a while. You shouldn't want to impress people by the amount of money you have.

But now there is no escaping it. He does have to show that unbelievable expensive car now.

Lance sees that Keith is worried to even more ruin everything. He steps forward and grabs the hands of Keith.
"Keith it will be fine. I know that you don't want to brag with your car, but you do have to be honest with them."

"I know Lance.. it's just that everything already isn't going well. I don't want to ruin it for you."

Lance loves to see his boyfriend caring so much. It makes his heart skip a beat.
"You won't.. I know you won't."

Keith looks into Lance's eyes and after a while he nods. He shouldn't feel like this. It's kind of his life that he has luxury. Lance's family look like people who care more about honesty then a good impression.. And well he can't lie to abuela. Keith doesn't think anybody can lie to her.

"Let's go downstairs then. How many can fit in your car. We kind of promised to drive the kids right?"

"Yeah.. I think that my car can fit four children. The two smallest can fit in one seatbelt." Keith grabs his red beanie and puts it on his head. Then the two boys are ready to go downstairs to meet the others.

Helen and Veronica are busy trying to get every child in a coat so they don't get it cold, but of course they are struggling. The kids move around and want to play.

"Hugo please just stand still!"

"But but Mama!!!"

"No buts! Put on your coat and shoes."

Hugo sees Lance and Keith and runs towards them. "Don't wanna wear a coat! Tio Lance I don't have to right?!"

Hugo looks at his uncle full with hope. If tio Lance says he hasn't his mama needs to listen! Before Lance can disappoint his nephew Keith steps in front of the little boy. He lowers himself to be at the child's height and says to him. "Hugo.. but mama really wants you to wear a coat. And I do agree. Even tio Lance and I won't walk outside without a coat."

"But.. coat is stupid."
The little boy pouts and looks at the coat in his mother's hands. "If I run it's really hard."

"If I put on a coat will you do it too?" Keith asks.

"I'll put on a coat as well." Lance says.

Hugo looks hesitant but does nod after a minute. He walks towards his mother and lets her put his coat on him. He doesn't like it, but tio Lance and tio Keith are doing it. If he wouldn't put on a coat it would look weird. He wouldn't be part of the coat group! And he has to be part of every group his uncles are in!

Lance leans in and kisses his boyfriend on the cheek. "Thanks he can be really stubborn sometimes."

"Well me too, so I know how to handle it."

Lance starts to grin.
"You're worse then him Keith."

Keith starts to pout.
"Hey.. I'm not that bad."

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