Chapter 15: Lance's (probably) crush.

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The front door opens and closes. Keith immediately stands up and goes as fast as possible to the hallway.
Shiro takes off his coat and puts it away. He and Keith stare at each other.
For a moment they are both silent.

Then Keith asks.

"Keith.. I'm in love."

They both laugh.

"Keith I swear she's perfect. When I look her to Balmaria she literally said, "No this is too expensive." Nobody has ever said that when I offered to pay for them, nobody Keith! Of course I just forced her to go in and paid for her dinner. But still!"

"Seems like she isn't going for your money." Keith says.

"She even wanted to do something inexpensive instead of what I had planned. Keith she is perfection. For sure I'll call her tomorrow. Maybe she wants to have dinner again!" Shiro is so excited. But who can blame him. He just likes her. And of course he's just six and this is his first date. Keith thinks it's pretty cute. He has never been on a date as well. Well he had some hook ups but they don't count.

Not that he can just go on a date with a guy of course.
"Seems like you are a lucky guy Shiro."

"Hey you will find someone too. You just need to be a little patient. You will find the right person for sure. But of course you have to remember that I am you best man when you marry."

Keith gives Shiro his best smile he can give him now. That is because he knows he will never even marry. But well Shiro doesn't know that and Keith isn't telling him. Lying seems like the best option now.
"Same goes for me on your big day."

Shiro and Keith make their way towards the living room.
"Of course my little brother will fulfill the important job as my best man. Matt will hopefully not feel left out."

"Of course Matt will be insulted. But he would be as a joke. He's not going to be serious about that." Keith says as he sits down.

"Yeah.." Shiro laughs a little bit. "Look at us talking about marriage after I had my first date with her."

Keith chuckles as well.

The two brothers talk some more. Especially Shiro who keeps talking about his date. And that makes Keith a tiny bit jealous, but happy of course. He really likes it that his brother is finally living a little. He didn't want to be the reason for him being forever alone just like him.
But well hearing the cute things they did and never be able to do them himself is hard. It's hard but it is the reality. And you can't just ignore the reality.

He just listens and smiles.

A moment later he is in bed looking at the ceiling. He stayed awake because he did in fact wanted to know how Shiro's date went. He didn't realize that he would be sad because of it. Great.

He looks down and sees the necklace Lance gave to him around his neck. He must admit he didn't take it off since he gave it to him. Maybe he's more under the thumb than Shiro is. Yeah that's probably right. Lance could ask him to kill and he would kill. Not even joking. Luckily Lance would never ask that, he's too good and perfect for that. But he would still do it for him.

Keith plays a bit with the necklace. He turns it around and back again. He looks at it and he smiles. It's so beautiful. Well not as beautiful as the person that gave it to him. But the necklace is still pretty. And it has red in it. That is his favourite colour.

It takes a while. But after some time Keith falls asleep.


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