Chapter 19: At the park, on the bench, by the pond.

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Fuck Fuck FUCK!

Lance rushes out of  the building. Why the fucking hell on Earth did he kiss him! How could he be so fucking stupid!

ARG he hates himself.

Number one rule in liking somebody is not kissing them the first chance you get! Fucking hell Keith started crying! He made him cry... He fucking made him cry..

Shit this is bad. This is really really bad.

Lance feels a tear rolling over his cheek. Then more come out. He can't hold it in anymore. He really likes Keith. He wanted to be with him. But instead he made Keith cry. He had never seen Keith cry before. And most of the times when you see your friend cry it means your relationship is strong... But now in his case it's probably ruined. He was so afraid of this.

Lance hears a loud sound surrounding him. He looks up and sees dark clouds. Of course that can join this perfect day as well. Just when he thought it couldn't be any worse. Well at least his mom won't notice that he cried.

Lance starts walking towards the bus stop hoping that they still ride at this hour. Tears are still rolling down his cheeks. But he isn't stoping them, he lets them all out. The rain will wash them away for him in a minute anyway.

Fuck. Fuck everything.

Lance will call Keith tommorow. He has to call him. Then he'll explain everything. Explain why he kissed him and that he has a big crush on him. It's already ruined so why not tell him everything. Keith deserves to know why he did this.

He looked so hurt and frustrated. Just thinking about the pain in Keith's eyes makes Lance's tears fall down quicker. He wants to talk to Keith, say he's sorry and that he wants Keith to be happy with him.


"Mi amor? ¿Qué pasa? ¿por qué estás en casa sucedió algo?" Helen Mcclain heard the front door open a second ago. She didn't expect Lance to get home tonight. At least Lance told her he would be sleeping at a friends house. She went to see if it really was Lance and it was. So she immediately started to ask questions. But Lance isn't really in the mood. He wants to go upstairs and cry. Is that so hard to ask?

"Mama it's okay.. I just had to leave because something happened. It's late I'm going to bed, you should to mama it's starting to get late."

"Carino you can tell me what that something is that happened." His mother says.

"Nothing bad I promise." Lance lies.

"Alright if you say so honey. Just go and dry up. You're all wet. Can't believe that friend of yours let you go home in the rain."

"It won't happen again. I'm going to get a towel. Goodnight mama."

"Goodnight Lance."

As soon his mother turns the other way Lance's face goes from happy to sad and tears starts to fall again. He rushes upstairs so his mom won't hear him crying. First before he totally breaks down is making sure he doesn't get a cold, but well not like he really cares at the moment. He kind of deserves it.

Lance grabs a towel from the bathroom and walks towards his room to dry himself and put on some other clothes. Then he can get cuddle his pillow and cry.

And he does. Till he falls asleep out of exhaustion. He's lucky it's Saturday tommorow.


"GOD DAMN IT!" Keith let's himself fall on his bed. Tears are still streaming over his cheeks. "Fucking hell! How can you be so stupid. Why did you kiss him back!"

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