Chapter 13: Gift.

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Keith looks outside the car window. Yesterday was a total disaster. He only now realizes how hard he punched that guy. Keith looks at his hand covered with his leather glove. People won't see the bruises on his knuckles, but they are there.

This morning there was nothing he could do or say. Shiro wanted to give him a ride to school before he want to work. Keith could've survived on his own, it's only going to school. But Shiro insisted. No one says no to Shiro, so he agreed.
But much words aren't spoken. It's not really awkward but it isn't comfortable as well. Keith knows Shiro wants to say something.

He thought he and Shiro had the talk already yesterday. What does he want to say that he didn't make clear then? Yesterday when they drove away from school it was very awkward. Shiro knew Keith wanted to be quiet for a moment. But he also had so many questions. Why did he keep his friendship with his friends from him? When did he suddenly have more friends? Was that Lance guy the reason? Because then he will need to thank him. What would he like? Clothes? Food? Money??

No Keith wouldn't want him to spend a lot on something like this. He would say it isn't that big of a deal.

But actually it is. Keith never really have any friends besides Shiro. But well you can't say that your big brother is all you need. How did he get friends so quickly in like two months? Well anyway Shiro was proud of him. Shiro even called Sal to make Keith's favourite dinner.

After that Shiro said they should talk. first Keith really didn't want to do that. But Shiro convinced him. Keith told him that he was nervous to tell them he was his brother. Maybe they would've thought differently about him. Like he was the guy Shiro didn't talk much about. And then later he thought it was too late to tell them. He was afraid they would be angry at him for not telling something big like this.

Keith was happy everybody didn't lash out on him.

Keith thinks back to the moment Lance comforted him. He was so close to him. So close to him and Shiro was right there. What if he saw... No no way he was blushing. And if he was Shiro was more interested in Keith almost having the same thing as the day before.


Keith looked towards Shiro.

"I just want you to.. be careful. And have a nice day at school."

"I get it Shiro. I won't almost break a jaw and other multiple bones again." Keith rolls his eyes and looking outside again.

"I just want you to know I'm not mad anymore because you did that. You did it for Hunk so I actually need to thank you." Shiro says.

Not long later they arive at the school. Shiro parks at a parking place for dropping your kids off. They don't say much anymore. Keith just grabs his bag and opens the car door.

"Have fun."

"School isn't fun."

Keith steps out of the car. While he closes the door he hears Shiro say.
"See you at Lunch."

But before he can reply the door already closes and Shiro drives away. What does he mean 'see you at lunch' Is he coming to school?!

Maybe he just heard it wrong. Yeah he must have heard it wrong. No way he can just leave his office and go to his school.

Keith just shakes his head and walks towards the entrance of the school. He has some time left to find the others. But first he has to get his books.
He starts walking and it doesn't take long before he notices people staring. He never really cared but now it feels weird. He starts listening if he can hear what they are saying about him. By their faces he can see they are scared but not judging him. He never had people not judging him. What is going on?

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