Chapter 21: Family comes first.

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Should he surprise Lance with suddenly driving to school with this car? Or should he just text him? Everybody will probably think he's a spoiled brat right now. He is just exposed as the brother of Takashi Shirogane and then he drives up in this car. Shiro really doesn't know what to do with his money and doesn't he...

Well they aren't wrong when they say he's spoiled. Cause he may be a little spoiled.

Keith parks his car somewhere so he can text Pidge. He isn't going to be on his phone while driving because Lance will kill him if he did.

Keith- Pidge I have a social problem.

     Pidge- And then you come to me? Really good choice Keith because I'm the master of social things... Btw that was sarcasm.

Keith- I know I know.

Keith- It's just that... You know people know now who's brother I am. And Shiro just decided to buy me a fucking expensive car. I don't want people to stare!

    Pidge- How expensive?

Keith- *picture*

    Pidge- Holy fucking duck... That's a nice car.

Keith- Thanks?

Keith- But now serious.. what do I do?

     Pidge- Well I do want to ride that car..

Keith- Just don't break it.

     Pidge- Not promising anything.

Keith- Fine if you come to school now we have some time for you to drive.

     Pidge- YES! And don't worry about people in school.. you never did that before so don't do now.

Keith- Thanks Pidge.. And actually I kind of want to surprise Hunk and Lance with a ride. So should I pick you up and then drive to their houses?

      Pidge- Yeah sure but I'm the one who's driving.

Keith- Alright alright. Just be ready when I arrive.

     Pidge- see u Sooon baby <3

Keith- ????

     Pidge- I wasn't talking to you. I was talking to the car.


"So you knew already people are talking about you all over the country right now" Hunk asks.

"Yeah Shiro showed me a blog yesterday. I'll probably get some more attention now."

Keith had picked up Pidge by her house where she was already standing outside waiting for Keith to arrive. She had let out a high pitch noice when Keith stepped out of the car and holding the door open for her.
Now they just picked up Hunk who was just leaving his house to go to school.

First he didn't know it was Keith's car. He did look at it for a second admiring the car. Then Pidge lowered the car window and yelled "Step in loser we're going shopping."

Keith didn't get what she meant by that. They where going to school not the mall. 

Hunk turned around recognizing Pidge's voice. Then he saw both Keith and Pidge in the expensive car he just saw.

Now they're on their way to Lance's house. It's already a little late so he must have left already. So they're looking at the sidewalk hoping they'll spot Lance.

"This car is so cool man.. but Pidge please drive a little more sane." Hunk says.

"Don't tell me what to do Hunk. I'm driving like a normal person. It's you who has a weak stomach." Pidge replies.

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