Chapter 24: A Christmas full of hugs... it's a Mcclain thing.

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Keith wakes up. He looks at his phone and sees it's still early.

One more day.

Christmas is in one day. Today most of his family will arrive at the airport. Lance was so excited. He hasn't seen then in real life for months now. Yesterday he told him everything he should know about them. Names he's already forgotten. Who is married to who. Who's whose kid. Hobbies and fun things he can remember about them.

He may have a great memory.. but that was a bit too much.

He does know their favourite uncle or well tio like they say it in Spanish is Diego. He's a joker and a plague to the family. But they all love him.

He's excited and at the same time scared to meet Lance's family. There are so many people... And he's not used to a big family like his. How long will it take for him to be part of it? Immediately? Days? Weeks? Months? Years???

How does he act around them? He's the total opposite to someone like Diego, and they all love Diego.. will they hate him then? Well Lance likes him and he's a Mcclain... So maybe he still has a chance.
He just wants them to like him. He wants them to see he'll be there for Lance.

He's lucky Lance's family will always love him for who he is. Lance has made that very clear everytime they talked about this. He wished he was like that before he had to tell Shiro. Probably feels great already knowing you can just come out and not get kicked out. Maybe his family will be in a little shock though. It's not everyday your son/brother/uncle/nephew says he doesn't like girls, even though you thought he did. But Lance assured him that his family will soon just congratulate them and ask embarrassing questions about them.

He isn't looking forward to that.

Keith makes his way to the kitchen to get breakfast. He's planning to go to the gym.

As he walks in he sees Shiro in the kitchen freaking out about something.
"Wow Shiro calm down. What's wrong?"

"Keith what if they don't like me?"
Shiro stands there with his hands in his hair.

Keith can't help but chuckle.
"Shiro calm down..."

"HOW can I calm down Keith! I'll do something stupid and they will never let me see her again!"

"Shiro! You'll be fine. You're handsomely, you're rich, you're kind and in my book parents love that. I think I'm in a bit more trouble then you are. If they hear about my past I'm dead." Keith walks towards the fridge and takes some ingredients out to make breakfast. "You want breakfast too?"

Shiro is a lot calmer and sits down on a chair. "Yes thank you.."

Keith starts with making some eggs.
"But no really you'll be fine Shiro."

"You too... We're both just thinking about it too much."

"Yeah you're probably right."


Lance jumps out of bed as he hears his alarm. It's finally the day he will see everyone again! Veronica and her husband Carlos with their 3 kids Percy, Liana and Selena. Liana and Selena are twins.

Marco and his wife Hila with their son Hugo and daughter Angela. Lance has only seen Angela a couple times because they had to move to America. He wants to see her so badly and wants to see how she has grown. Helen and Rafeal are really excited to see their one year old granddaughter as well. And Lance is excited to see a couple newborns in their family too. He hasn't seen them at all. But babies always love him so it won't be a problem.

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