Chapter 26: Gifts.

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Yesterday was the worst day of Lance's life. No day will probably be worse.

He is so thankful that there are at least a couple people that don't mind him being with Keith. Even after they left Keith and him alone he was still crying.. he didn't know if that was because of joy or sadness. He was so happy they and especially his abuela still love him for who he is.

The opinion of his abuela is most important. She's the one that build this family, with her husband of course. But he past away some time ago. He knows he wouldn't have liked his sexuality. He was a strict man, but not a bad man. Lance really liked it when he read a book with him or played a board game.

Lance wakes up early the next morning. He sees that he is still in Keith's arms. He's happy for a second but then he remembers the day before.

He slowly tries while not to wake Keith of course to get out of his grip. Why did they decide to sleep in the same bed.. when Lance has a bed for one person. His neck hurts and he can't feel his arms anymore. But okay.. he did need the hugs and cuddles from Keith, so it's worth it.
While Lance tries to untangle himself he almost falls a couple of times, but after a few minutes he is standing next to his bed all free to go where he wants to go.

He is scared to look in the mirror.
1 he hasn't done his routine yesterday! He can already feel the pimples coming up everywhere! Disgusting! He needs to cover it up in a minute before Keith wakes up.

And 2 he must have red eyes and he must be swollen everywhere because of the crying.

He feels like he's dying
Maybe Thor can slam dunk him with his hammer.. he wouldn't mind to go that way.

But okay.. he can't leave Keith behind. So he has to stay alive.

A moment later Lance is standing in front of the mirror anyway. He's still dressed in his formal dinner outfit. He didn't feel like changing his clothes for bed, Keith is probably still wearing his clothes as well. But he was right.. he looks like shit. He's all swollen and mushy. He just can not let Keith see him like this. It's literally not allowed.

Lance steps into the shower to get rid of all his troubles... And grossness.

Keith wakes after Lance left the room. He has some troubles first recognizing where he is, but he soon sees that he's in Lance's room.
It doesn't take him long to remember the day before. That makes him want to lie down and go back to sleep again. Not having to deal with this for s little longer sounds really nice.

But he can't. He and Lance have to go through this. Maybe because of his grandmother it will be a lot better.. Keith can only hope. His abuela sounds like a woman with power in this family. If they all see that she is accepting their relationship, maybe.. just maybe more will follow her and accept it as well.

He's grateful they didn't throw Lance out. And Keith is grateful they respect that he's not straight. But Lance deserves so much more. He deserves to be hugged by his mother with her saying they where waiting for this moment because they already knew. He deserves that his father pats him on the back and says that he's proud of him.
He deserves to have a family smiling at him and definitely not frowning.

Keith doesn't know what to do exactly. He can't just say to them that they are all assholes who should just fuck off. But he can't stay quiet right!

Maybe Shiro knows what to do? But he needs Lance to give him permission to tell him first. All their friends need to know at some point what happened though. They can help Lance with it and be there for him.

Lance isn't gone for too long. Keith is just sitting on the bed in his formal clothes as the door opens and Lance walks in. He's wearing a bathrobe and has a towel on his head.

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