Chapter 30

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Sierra's pov

I get back home with Theo who had to go to the dentist. The dog search has been put on the back burner. Everything is a little hectic right now. Jason was sitting on the couch with a beer and a pissed off look on his face. "Hey Jase, where's Kim?" "Her room." He muttered, glaring at the tv. "You okay?" I ask confused. He nods. I head upstairs. I heard crying in Kim's room. I instantly open it worried. "Kimberly what's wrong?" I gasp, running to the bed where she was crying. "Daddy got really mad at me and sent me to my room. He said not to come out til you guys got home!" I hug her. "What happened? Why'd he get mad?" "I accidentally knocked his bottle of pain medication on the floor. I didn't even spill any!" I stand up, freaked out. Something is wrong with my husband.

*The next day*

I get Caroline to babysit. "How's Jason's leg?" Luke asks. I bite my lip. "That's why I need you to watch the kids. I think Jason might be addicted to his pain pills. I'm going to go talk to a doctor." Luke's eyes go wide. "If he calls, try not to let him come over if you can help it. I don't want him asking for me and he's a little unpredictable with his temper right now." "You've got it, Sierra." H says hugging me. Caroline hugs me next. "We'll be praying." "Thanks." I say forcing a smile. I head to the doctor's office. The one who called me. "I'm so relieved you came." He says, closing the door. "I am going to ask you a series of questions. You must answer honestly." I nod, twisting my purse strap with nervousness as I think about the pregnancy test again. "Has he had any rage episodes lately?" I nod. "Has he been in intense pain if he hasn't taken the pills for a few hours?" I nod again. "What about mood swings?" I think about it for a second. "Can the anger count as a mood swing? Usually Jason is so laid back." He sighs. "Sierra, I am almost 99% positive he's addicted to the pain pills." "What do I do doc?" Suddenly my phone rings. It's Jason. "Just miss the call." He says. I put my phone on silent. "What you need to do, is get him up here so I can properly diagnose him. Then if my thoughts are correct, we need to take him to a detox center." I nod worried. "How do I get him up here?" "I don't know ma'am. But it's better to do it sooner rather than later." I nod and shakily stand up. "Thanks." "You're welcome, Sierra and good luck."

Jason's pov

I pop a couple pain pills, this itchy pain in my leg has spread and I hate it. But I don't know what I should do about it. I angrily sit on the couch annoyed. After waiting for an hour or so, the pain hasn't gone away so I frustratedly take a few more pills. I lay my head back, tiredly. "Damn this leg." I grumble annoyed. I rub my leg, trying to stop this incessant pain! "Maybe two more?" I say, getting a couple more out. I take them and fall asleep. I wake up to a sharp pain in my chest. It seems to get worse by the second. I try to stand up when a pain filled scream is ripped out of me. I collapse to my knees, gripping my chest. "Aghhhh! Why?? What's happening... TO ME!!!???!" Next thing I see, the floor plummets up to me. 

*In his dream*

I feel grass under me. I blink confused and sit up. "Where am I?" I mumble, pressing hand to my throbbing head. I hear a girl singing so I follow the voice and notice my leg isn't hurting anymore. I see a girl in a yellow sundress. She turned around and my heart skipped a beat. Miranda. It was Miranda. Holding her most favorite book and.... And... Wearing... My cowboy hat... The dress, shoes, and hat she was buried in. "What the heck?" She sighs, teary eyed. "Daddy... Why?" Huh? "Why what?" I ask walking over. "You're dead daddy." My eyes go wide. "WHAT??!??" I scream shocked and shaking. She walks over. "You overdosed on the pills you were addicted to." "I wasn't addicted to them!" I gripe annoyed. "Yes you were daddy. Now your heart stopped." "M-My... H-H-Heart?" She nods. She walks over and hugs me. I feel tears rolling down my face. I can't believe I'm dead. But worst of all, I can't believe I got addicted to those pills without even realizing it. Suddenly I feel a painful shock in my chest. She gasps and pulls away, staring at me surprised. "Someone is using a defibrillator on you!" "S-So I still have a chance?" "If it works." She shakily says. I feel the electric shock run through me again. It's painful!

Sierra's pov

"PLEASE GOD!! PLEASE!!" I yell in tears as an EMT charges it again. "Clear!" He places the paddles on his chest. His body jolts then goes silent. I scream his name, sobbing. The EMT does it again and this time he starts breathing again. Not only that but he shoots awake, screaming my dead daughter's name. "J-Jason?" I shakily choke out. He sees me and instantly tears fill his eyes. "Si-Si.... I... I'm S-So sorry!" He shouts hugging me. "I got addicted to the pills." He whimpers still hugging me. "I... I d-died... I f-felt it. I saw her, Si... I saw Miranda. She was crying since I... Was dead." He mumbles. "I f-felt the shock of the defibrillator!" I pull free to where we're looking at each other. Steady tears we're streaming from his eyes. "I'm so sorry." He whimpers. "I love you Jason." "I l-love you too."

*One week later*

We finally picked out a puppy. A black lab the kids named Blaze. I figured out a cool way to tell Jason I'm pregnant. I tied my pregnancy test to the string of a balloon and tied the balloon to the dog's collar. We brought him in and Jason saw the test. He stared at it shocked. I was worried. "How the hell did this happen?!" He yells angrily. "Jason! Calm down!" I gasp. His eyes go wide. Kim and Theo were hiding behind me. "I... I'm sorry... I've... I've still.... I'm going through withdrawals which has got me in serious mood swings." I walk over and hug my husband. "It's alright, Jason. But what do you think?" He looks away nervous. "I don't.... I don't know. Are we ready for another kid?" I smile. "I'm ready if you are." I hug him tight. "We can do this Jase." "Ok babe, let's have another baby." I smile, my head against gotta shoulder. "That's the spirit." I say happily. "I love you Sierra. Thanks for putting up with my dumbass." I laugh softly. "Oh Jason, I love you."

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