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When we get out of the tent Carl is standing there waiting for us. Carl gazed at us for a second. He has reasonably had never seen us, roughly any girl in that matter in a bathing suit before. As I cruised pass in him crossing my arms felling exposed "are you coming?"

Carl doesn't change because he is already moist but we walk down to the lake and Carl leaped right in. He was used to the cold but Sophia and I gradually wandered into the icy lake. Carl was standing there impatiently waiting for us to come him then he just splashed us with the water. I stood there with my mouth opened then splashed him in the face. Sophia laughed at us then Carl and I glanced at each other considering the same thing, then splashed Sophia.

We commenced a splash war, I have never had this much fun since the end of the world occurred. As we were splashing each other Carl got a fish. He carried it in his hands and put it in my face. I leaned back slipping into a large collection of stones. But Carl dumped the fish and reached me just in time. He stared into my optics and said, "are you ok?" I nodded and we just stood there. Finally, Sophia spoke up and said, "ok lovebirds, are you done?"

Carl pulled me straight up and we stood there flushing. The fish was flopping on the ground when I picked it up and gave it to Carl. He took it and slowly dropped it into the water. We then stopped and sat with our feet in the water. We talked a lot, then a batch of fish came.

I immediately ran up the hill to grab a bucket and ran back down. I ordered Carl to help me catch them. We all three nodded and bounded in. We caught five fish than ran up the hill to show everyone what we caught.

"Grate!" Shane said, "now we can have a feast."

The adults fried all the fish and we all started eating following saying our prayers. Wile we were all still eating Rick had an announcement. "Daryl, Glenn and I are going to look for a meal."

Merle was Daryl's brother that they lost in the city. Everyone wasn't that thrilled because they barely got out of there the first time "we're leaving at sunrise." Rick continued.

The next day
I woke up the next morning and it was about 9. I stretched my arms big than getting dressed. Daryl has been keeping watch for the day or two so I can sleep in his tent. After Rick and everyone that is going to look for meal left, I and Lori are going to get my dads tent and bring it back so I can sleep in that. I got out of the tent and went to see who was awake.

I saw Lori and Sophia taking, I ran over to say good morning. "Good morning," Lori said before I could say it first.

"Hi" I smiled back

"You ready to get all your stuff?"

I smiled back and nodded. "Sophia offered to go with us and help"

"Ok" I answered back. Lori grabbed a knife and was about to give one to Sophia and me, but hesitated and put it back. As we walked to my old camp Lori was ahead. It was almost silent besides the crunching of the leaves underneath our feet. Sophia broke the Beautiful silence "so I was talking to Carl earlier. Do you know what he was talking about? you."

I looked straight trying to ignore her. "You want to know what he wanted to know," she said trying to get me to talk. I blushed then lied "not really, no"

I really wanted to know what he said. "I know you do," she said playfully hitting me on the shoulder.

I stopped and looked at her "fine tell me" I groaned attempting to act cool. I truly didn't care I just wanted her to shut up. No matter how he feels, no matter how I feel we're only nine years old, well I know I am I have no ideas how old Sophia and Carl are. "He wanted to know your favorite color. And your age"

"My favorite color is blue, and I'm nine, but everyone used to tell me I act like, two years older than I am"

"What your only nine?!"

"Ya but my birthday is coming in... well soon."

"Oh cool, well happy early birthday, I'm eleven, Carl's ten" we fell behind and Lori waved us to get closer. Once we got to my tent I relished I didn't want to be there. My dad's dead body was hanging by the line he choked himself with, and Daryl's arrow within this head. When I went into the tent to get my belongings there wasn't much left there were just a family photo and a few blankets and pillows.

As we got back Carl was sitting with Shane. Shane was teaching him how to use a rifle. Lori rushed over to them and coolly demanded to see Carl. I could tell something was going on between Shane and Lori. I and Sophia went to color and a few minutes later Carl had joined us.

Later that night
Rick and the rest of the group still haven't been seen and everyone was getting worried. Dale decided to cook some of the squirrels Daryl got a couple of days ago. We all sat next to the fire eating and talking until Amy, Andreas sister had to go to the bathroom. She went in and a bit later she came out she said "hay, Dale you got any more toilet paper?"

I turned around and I noticed a walker about to bite into her arm. But it was too late. it bit her and she shrieked bloody murder. Everyone swung around and began to panic.

I hope you liked this chapter but if you didn't the next chapter will be for you. It will not be related to what happens in TWD, well most of it won't. 😋

Word count: 1033

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