"Wh- who are-?"

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I've been with Michonne for another week. I don't know what has happened to my former group but, I don't really bother worrying. Michonne didn't really let me go and find them about a week ago. She made me sit in the dark cottage until I regained my strength.

Today she is Finley letting me free. I'm back to flawlessly normal health besides being starving. We walk out of the cottage with each of us carrying a duffle bag. As we walk away I look back at the 'prison' I was held in.

A/n haha prison. Get it?

We cruised to the road and casually move back detecting the sound of Eaters. Then there are lots of gunshots coming from kinda far away. We see one Eater come down into the woods. It comes up to me about to eat me, but Michonne comes up stabbing it. But more come hearing the sound of her katana thrusting throughout the dead's skin.

We run as swift as my feet can travel. Once they are out of sight we find a tree to scale. We climb up the big tree and hide up there together. I whimper in fear as Eaters come roaming from beneath us following the racket of the mysterious gunshots. I feel Michonne's stiff hand cover my mouth, to block the noise coming from me.

Once they all pass we start walking. We don't know where we're going but we are going somewhere. We eventually see all the Eaters that passed earlier. They were breaking through a fence, but we didn't think anything of it. We just continued walking alongside the fence till we saw There was a farm.

Michonne is in her own world, and I am examining the farm. It oddly looks well taken care of. I look at one of the building and see it is the barn. It was flaming. I nudged Michonne with my elbow to get her to see the big flame swaying in the air.

Then we see the Eaters come through the fence. Everything occurred so quickly. the only thing I can remember about that few minutes is seeing people running, cars moving, and guns firing.

" Lydia!" Michonne roared to knock me out of my daze. We stopped walking up the fence line and turned to run. we saw cars going through the fence until they were all gone. We decided to leave and that the farm was now for the dead.

We walked into the forest to hear someone heavily wheezing and grunting. We saw a blond haired girl lean agents a tree struggling to fight the dead. Michonne put her hood on and yanked her chained Eaters telling me to come. The blonde haired girl started running again. But didn't get far before Michonne sliced an Eaters Head I front of her.

I was standing behind her with my head down a little fearful until the Girl spoke up. "Wh- who are-?" she whispered until "Lydia!!"

I picked my head up to see Andrea. I pushed past Michonne to embrace Andrea. She stood up with me in her arms but fell because of the shortage of energy.


Hope you liked it. Sorry, it's short, but Now we're getting to season 3!!!

Word count: 550

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