Almost A Month Wothout An Accident

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The garden has now been finished and we even have pigs. Walkers have now been surrounding the fence. Everyone thinks we'll be good if we keep killing them, but I disagree. Me and Carl have grown distant. Were both fine with it because he has Patrick, and I have the k's.

I don't really talk to any of them except for Lizzie and Mika. Mika is weak but a  good person. She kinda reminds me of Sophia. Lizzie she has been acting weird lately. I don't know why but it doesn't feel right.

Things have been good, we have had almost a hole month without and accident. The only time me and Carl ever pay attention to each other is when we're doing our chores. All I do is feed the pigs. But Carl's dad makes him work all the time. I woke up one morning and went to feed the pigs.

When I got there a pig that Carl named violet wasn't looking so good. Soon after Carl came up as I was finishing up. "Why didn't you wake me up?" He said as I ignored him. "Cause I knew you were up all night reading comics." Rick answered.

"Hay Lydia!" Carl yelled "what's up with violet?"

"Carl, hasn't your dad told you to not name them!" I yelled back. 

"yes" Rick answered for him.

"But I don't know, I think she's sick."

"Then get out of there!" Carl yelled as I giggled. "Come on!" He yelled again as I spend up. But that wasn't a good idea I then fell flat on my face. I got up covered in mud. I gave Carl an evil look.

Once I got out of the pen Carl was out in the garden. I snuck up behind carl and rapped my muddy arms around him. "What's up buddy?" I yelled in his ear. He jumped and pushed me off. "Dude! Why! you're covered in mud!"

"Payback," I whispered in his ear before running away to get cleaned up.

When I got back I saw Michonne walking down to Daryl and some cars.
"Your living, you just got back?!" Carl said but Michonne didn't answer. Then I ran down as fast as I could. "Can I go with you? It's so boring around here." I complained well stretching out the 'so'.

"No your not coming." Michonne answer. "It's dangerous"

"Ya, like I've never been out there before?!?" I snapped back.

"You're not going," Rick said startling me. "Go back and play with Mika and Lizzie."

And with that, I stormed off to find them. Once I did I saw them all talking to the walkers. Nick! They all yelled well giggling. I went to join them and this seemed familiar.

Then Carl comes in.

"What the hell are you doing," he said in a stern voice.

"One of them had a name so we thought all of them should-" I said. He cut me off "Well they're not people, and they're not pets, don't name them"

Everyone went to story time and I stayed back to talk to Carl. "Why Carl, where Just kids being kids. Not all of us always want to go out and kill, like you." My voice started to rise as I put my finger on his chest.

"Ya right"

"What Carl, what do you mean! Wow Déjà vu"

"Just keep an eye on Lizzie. I saw her doing something, she-. You know what? You don't deserve to know." Then he stormed off.

What the hell, I thought, this is what happened in my dream.

At story time we did the usual. Carol started reading us a book. "linger at its topple moment and then..." she stopped. Once all the adults left she stops. She teaches us about weapons and how to protect ourselves.

She closed the book and set it down. "Today we are talking about knives," she says.

Then I saw something out of the corner of my eye. Carl. "Carol," I said well gesturing over to him.

"Go" she answered back.

I got up and went to Carl. "Please, don't tell Rick. We need this. They need this." I said in a whisper/yell. He walked out. I looked over to Carol.

"It's ok," she said well telling me to come back.

" Ma'am," Patrick asked "may I be excused. I don't feel so good."

"What if you're out in the wild." Carol interrupted "you'll need to go through it."

"It's just" he spoke up "I don't want to Yak on anybody"

She nodded her head 'yes' and I looked at the clock it was time for me to feed the pigs. I got up saying "bye. Time for the pig's dinner."

With that, I left. When I was outside I saw Rick. He looked back and saw me.
"Hey Lydia, I was going to feed them for you but-"

I interrupted him "crap, is um... what's her name... violet. Is violet dead?"

He nodded his head saying "ya"

"Well shit"

"Hey, where did you get that headband?" He asked trying to change the mood. I forgot I even had it on.

"Um... well michonne. She got them for me."

"Well they suit you"


That night I went to visit Beth.
I heard that her boyfriend Zach died.

"Hey, how ya feeling?" I asked looking at her bored of days without an accident. Then I had The sudden urge to cough.

"Fine. But you're not looking so good"

"Why what's wrong?" I said as I got a little dizzy.

"Well, your very pail."

"And all of a sudden I'm dizzy" I interrupted. "I-I should get to bed"

I left and went to my cell. well, I went there I saw Patrick about to walk into the showers. I waved 'hi' and he gave me a faint wave back. Once I got to 'A block' it was very quiet. In our room Lizzie was asleep.

I laid in bed and tried to sleep but it was hopeless. I started coughing again then I blacked out.

Word count:1010

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