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I have been walking on the streets for a few weeks now. I've decided to stay on the road because I will have a better chance of finding a place to raid. I'm covered into much walker blood that I just walk right past them. They think I'm one of them.

As walking on the streets a single walker Romes up to me. They walk next to me and smell me. I just keep walking. It growls then grabs my arm. All of a sudden I hear a gunshot.

Then the walker falls. I look around to find out who shot it. I yell "who's out there?!"

I got no answer, and keep walking. A few minutes later another walker comes up and the same thing happens. The smell, bite, gunshots. There smelling that I'm not one of them I thought to myself. I kneeled down to the dead walker and ripped its stomach open.

I took all the blood and guts and wiped them all over my shirt, pants, and face. Once I get up I hear footsteps coming up from behind me.

"What do you want?" I asked not turning around.

"I don't know" they answered back.

I stood there for a few seconds then kept walking. A few minutes later the same person that was following me caught up to me. When they stood by side I saw that she was a girl. She had short hair light brown skin and wore a baseball cap. She looked my age maybe a little older.

"I'm Clementine," she said.

"Cool" I answered

"Aren't you gonna tell me your name?"

"Uh. I'm Lydia"

We kept walking. And walking. I Learned a lot about her she basically told me her whole story. It was sad. Many even sadder than mine.

She had a little kid she took care of, but he was taken away by bad people. They called themselves 'the new frontier'. She asked for my story. I was hesitant but I told her everything from when my parents got a bite. When I told her about practically being raped, she was so sorry.

We then ran into a small herd of walkers. She insisted that we'd go around but I said:

"It's small. we- or I can take them on. You go ahead."

But she didn't, she came back and fought with me. Once we were done we talked about our life before all this. As we walked our hands intertwined. That made me smile which is something I haven't done In a while. But it didn't last for long because we found a gas station.

She let go and we both went in very quietly. There was only one walker that I took care of very easily. Once we got out all we got where some pain pills and three candy bars. We split them and we both put what got in our bags. As we kept walking it started to rain.

Both of our faces lit up. It's been so long science it had rained. I got out an empty water bottle and set it down. When I looked up I saw Clem with her head up and mouth open. I smiled.

I stood up next to her and did the same. She eventually put her head down and grabbed her neck.

"Ow" She wined "that hurts my neck" I laughed.

A few seconds later I put my head down in pain too. I looked at my bottle that was a fourth of the way full. "We should keep going" I suggested

We kept walking in the rain which then stopped. Ahead I saw an intersection. once we got there she was about to go left and I asked, "where are you going?"

"I need to go this way"

"My guts telling me to go this way. And well, I'm going."

"Well I'm not" She answered

"Well I guess this is where we say goodbye"

We whey about to go our separate ways when I turned around and ran to her. I gave her one last hug. "You're going to find that boy. I know it"

"And you're going to find good people for once"

We let go of each other. As I walked a tear started to form. I quickly wiped it away remembering I have to stay strong.

I liked Clementine a lot. Maybe too much. I took my iPod out. 66% great, I thought. Then I played a song.

5 days later

It has almost been a week since I left Clem. I miss her. I'm in a heard just minding my own Business. But then I and the corpses get to a small bridge. All around you can see dead body's, you can see they've been here for a few days.

I started to wonder what happened to hear until I decided I didn't want to know. There was a big storm after Clem left. I had to go into the forest and sit through it. It sucked. I decided to leave the herd.

I soon found on the road a lot of water. There was one bottle on its side and half empty. There also was a piece of paper with something written on it in sharpie. But I couldn't figure out what it said. I decided to take the water and adventure into the woods.

I soon came across a small barn. There where trees were torn down everywhere. They were also dead walkers. I went into the barn. I looked through it.

It looked like people were living in hear for a while. I decide this will be my permanent home. At least for a while. I took out the water that I found on the street. I was hesitant about drinking it, But I decided what do I have to lose.

I drank it and it was actually good. I chugged that bottle fast. Then I drank half of another.
Haha, clementine from the game.

Word count: 990

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