
19 3 0

.... Carl


Me and the k's where at the fence. We saw an Eater at the fence wearing a name tag it read Nick we started to call him Nick and then we gave them all names. Then Carl comes in.

"What the hell are you doing," he said in a stern voice.

"One of them had a name so we thought all of them should-" I said. He cut me off "Well they're not people, and they're not pets, don't name them"

Everyone went to story time and I stayed back to talk to Carl. "Why Carl, where Just kids being kids. Not all of us always want to go out and kill, like you." My voice started to rise as I put my finger on his chest.

"Ya right"

"What Carl, what do you mean!"

"Just keep an eye on Lizzie. I saw her doing something, she-. You know what? You don't deserve to know." Then he stormed off.

End of dream

I woke up with my heart racing. Why would I have them at a dream? I thought, confused on what just happened. Why would my mind make me think Carl is mean? Or maybe he is. Then I look outside to see if it is still dark.

I try to go back to bed. I lay there thinking. But I finally decided to get up. It's still dark out so I just walk around. I eventually get to Carl's cell. I peek in and see if he's awake, he is.

"Hi, Carl," I say walking. "Hey. What are you doing up so early?" He said back.

"Couldn't sleep. What about you?"

"Me neither"

"Carl, why do you have a cell all to yourself?" I ask.

"I don't know. Maybe because my dad makes the rules. But he won't anymore, I heard my dad talking with everyone. He said that there making a Council. Whatever that means"

"I think it means there's are going to be more people to make the decisions" I giggle back to him. He gives him the 'I knew that look' then he starts to laugh too. Before I knew it he scooted over saying "you want to lay down."

Then I laid down next him. realizing this was a bad idea, I scooted away from him. As I did he said "what? Do you think I have cooties?"

I chuckled not knowing what to say. Then he pulled me closer to him. I looked into his blue orbs. Until we heard a deep laugh. Rick was there holding the curtain open.

"What you two doing?" He then asked sternly. I quickly got up and blushed. Carl laid there doing the same. "Well Carl, I want you to help me with something. And Lydia? Can you come too?"

We nodded and I left to get dressed. I came back to Carl's cell with Him and Rick waiting. Rick took us outside In the middle of the field. "I was wanting to put a garden right here. Can ya help?"

"Yup," I said as he handed me a hoe. "Use this to kind off turn the grass into the dirt," Rick said moving his hands as you would do it. I and Carl started doing it. When we were finished it was about noon and everyone was up. I went over to where Carol was handing out our small rations of food.

I got some. I went to sit next to Lizzie. Once I started eating Carl came over to the table next to us. "Hey, can I sit with you?" he asked Patrick. He nodded and scooted over.

As we where eating I spoke up and said:: "soo... um, Rick is starting to make a garden, and they're also making a council."

Dave, mark, and Sally looked at me confused. "Oh, um, there will be a lot of people In Charge."

They nodded and went back to eating.

Happy birthday to Chandler Riggs! 🎂 🎉 I can't believe he's 19!

Have an awesome day everyone!
And an awesome B-day to the chan man!


Word count:683

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