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Two days later

I was on the porch with Enid talking. She asked, "do you think Rick made the right call?"

"Hell, no!"

"I kinda agree. I mean I understand why he did it. But it just shouldn't have happened."

"Did I tell you what happened when I was taken by the saviors?" I asked.

"No, what happened?"

"Negan raped me," I said

"What?!" She Yelled.

"He's crazy. But the stupid thing is I didn't tell Carl."

"Why not?"

"I thought he would freak out, but now I know I should have. If I did Negan probably wouldn't be alive," I answered.

"Negan is an example of what not to do." We both looked behind us to see michonne. "I got your test. And your pills," she mumbled the last part and through the two boxes onto my lap.

Enid looks at them and looked at me surprised. "Are you?" She drifted off.

"Well, I'm about to go see,"

I got up and walked to the bathroom with Enid and Michonne following me. I opened the door and walked inside. I then opened the box and read the instructions. I peed on the stick and waited a few minutes. I had my elbows on my thighs and hands holding my head.

I then looked up to see a plus. I looked at the detections to see negative means not pregnant, and positive to mean pregnant. "Shit," I mumbled. I then opened the door and saw Siddiq and rick standing with Enid and michonne. I looked at them and couldn't find the right words.

It was easier to say it when I wasn't sure.

I handed michonne the stick and she opened her mouth to make an 'o'. I ran back to the porch where I left the pills. I opened the box and took three swallowing them on the spot.


Sophia skipped 15 and I said "cool, how did you do that?"
"oh it's simple," she said, "you just need to keep it flat as you throw."
I took a rock and threw it And skipped it 23 times. "Dang!" I yelled I was so happy.
Carl came over and gave me a high five. "I didn't know I could do that" I continued. We spent the day skipping rocks and trying to beat me. they got literally every number below 23 but couldn't do it.

Before I knew it he scooted over saying "you want to lay down."
Then I laid down next to him. realizing this was a bad idea, I scooted away from him. As I did he said "what? Do you think I have cooties?"
I chuckled not knowing what to say. Then he pulled me closer to him. I looked into his blue orbs. Until we heard a deep laugh. Rick was there holding the curtain open.

"Oh, my mornings coming back. The whole worlds waking up." I sang until I heard a nock. It was from Carl. He laughed.
"WHAT are you doing?"
I took out the earbuds and said "what?"
"I said, what are you doing?" He repeated.
"I'm listening to music. Is it some sort of crime?"
"No. 'Cause there are no rules anymore."
"I think there are" I mumbled to myself.
"You want to go to eat dinner?" I nodded in reply. I got up and grabbed my cat headband. I put it on and Carl gave me a strange look.
"Why are you wearing that?"
"I don't know, I just like it," I said chuckling at the last part.

I was shocked at what they were doing. I ran over to save Carl but Dan grabbed my arm and grabbed Carl. "You leave them be!" Rick yelled.
Dan had me under his arm now and Carl was in his other with a knife to his throat. I knew exactly what was going on and I think Carl did too. As Carl and I struggled he pinned Carl down. I tried to push him off Carl, but he was too big. He kept pushing me back saying "back off kitty" mocking me of my headband.
"Stop you're squirming," Dan told Carl well making his evil laugh. Then there was a gunshot which made me jump. Carl reached for his knife but was unsuccessful. Dan started unbuckling Carl pants. I freaked out and took my gun out of its holster and shot I'm straight in the head.
It distracted joe for a second for rick to bite into his neck. I pushed Dan's dead body Off of Carl and hugged him. We sat there in each other's arm. We watched Rick, michonne, and Daryl killed the claimers.

The Restart: The Story {Book 1}Where stories live. Discover now